Monday, October 20, 2008

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A diamond, a ball, a bat and a great desire to divertirsi.Questi the ingredients of the "Festival of Baseball," an afternoon dedicated to the children that everyone, big and small, could play a baseball game or participate in many other games on the diamond prepared Viale Togliatti.I smaller children who have tried the knock and had just run three years, while other children, even smaller, had fun in the two inflatable structures mounted near the stands. The party began at 15 and ends at 19, but the moment of maximum flow was recorded between 15.30 and 18.30. For 3 consecutive hours in fact, more than 100 children of all ages have attempted to test launch, run and stop and in real matches baseball.Le two companies organizing the event, Marsh Sestese softball and baseball, would like to thank all children and parents who attended the party giving everyone see you next year for another afternoon of knock and run! In the video at some pictures of the party, while on flickr at @ N07/sets/72157608203941665 / can find some photos of the event.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

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He stops in nine innings since the end of the Marshes Cup adventure Italy. rossoblu boys first team are beaten 7-3 by the Redskins Imola after playing for over five inning had given the impression that they could win. The Marshes had already led 3-0 in the first inning, but in the next eight shots scored only 3 valide.Troppo few bars if the defense is not perfect for all nine inning.E defense of the Marshes was perfect eight occasions: during the sixth inning in fact, two defensive errors and five consecutive good players at Imola brought the score 5-3, then rounded up to the final shot in the seventh 7-3 who stopped the beautiful ride to the Marshes few ore da una incredibile (fino a poco tempo fa) finale di Coppa Italia.

Friday, October 17, 2008

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La parte finale della stagione diventa ogni giorno più esaltante per la prima squadra del Padule. I ragazzi guidati da Josè Canelo e Alessandro Bianchi ragiungono infatti la Final Four della Coppa Italia di serie B superando nell'ultima partita del concentramento di semifinale ospitato sul diamante di Sesto Fiorentino il Cus Messina con il punteggio di 5-1. La semifinale era iniziata in maniera sorprendente,con la vittoria dei siciliani sulla Fiorentina per 17-6. Nella seconda partita del sabato invece il Padule ha saputo imporsi addirittura per 10-0 sull'Arezzo neopromosso in serie A2. La partita della domenica mattina tra Padule e Messina è estremamente equilibrata for at least seven innings. The Marshes, raffled off as the visiting team, it immediately gives an advantage but Messina takes full advantage of a mistake of departing rossoblu Spignesi (fluent in nine innings spent on the mountain) to equalize. The 1-1 is resistant to the top of the eighth, when the step change Marshes and jeopardizes the Final Four taking the 4-1.The great defensive test frustrates the last two attacks the Sicilians who see them stop the ride just to a step from the final. For the marsh instead of the Italian Cup dream is increasingly becoming a concrete reality and in a week, probably at Bologna, the team will struggle against rossoblu Senago, Butterwick and Imola to win the trophy.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

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IBL: Tomorrow night on Raisport More replication Game 7 of the final

probably already know the outcome of the championship final of the 2008 IBL, and therefore already know the name of the champion team of Italy baseball.Ma of those who still did not know the result, or simply want to relive the infinite emotions of Game 7 of the final league baseball can tune in Monday, September 8 at 18.30 on the frequencies of Raisport Plus (channel 227 of the digital terrestrial and satellite platform) where it will be sent a full reply supersfida between Neptune and San Marino. Have fun everybody!

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Series B: Marsh-Fiorentina 4-17 (Race 1), 0-2 (race 2)

We had early Friday on our official website: in the dual match against Fiorentina serebbe been difficult to extract even a timely successo.E Marco Duimovich team has met, as almost always in this season, the predictions of the vigil. In the hot afternoon Sesto leaders never does get into the game the home side in peace and closes with a score of 17-4 in the seventh inning. In the challenge the music changes nightly, but no more than tanto.I launch of the Marshes, and Spignesi Lenzerini, better resistance to firepower host, and all the batsmen Fiorentina remain entangled in the narrow mesh defensive rossoblu.Tutti except one: Francesco Pinto.Senza doubt the best player of the double challenge yesterday to win the game alone at night with two bases empty home run in the third and eighth innings to lead the team that enough red and white the second victory of the day and leave the marsh regret for a match played on par with the leaders and they lost one player.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

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IBL: The final will be Neptune-San Marino

Games are fatti.Il semifinal round of the IBL is over and you finally know the names of two finaliste.Per the second consecutive year the most successful team in Italy, the Neptune Bagialemani Roger, will try to win escaped the Italian title last year escaped last year after seven exciting races against Montepaschi Grosseto.A dispute the title to Lazio will be the T & A San Marino, who reached his second final this year, the championship, after the lost in 7 races in 2005 by Fortitudo Bologna.Proprio Grosseto and Bologna are the two teams eliminated from the semifinal round, even if they come with moods opposti.Bologna completely dominated the regular season, finished last in the semifinal round, showing a dangerous decline in gioco.Il Manager Nanni not however, seems worried and thought the second round of Italian Cup, which will see the Emilian opposed Rimini.Grosseto comes instead from the semi-finals with broken bones, not only because he lost the opportunity to defend the flag, but also about the dangerous situation in the exoneration of the manager spogliatoio.Dopo Mazzotti half of the qualifying semi-final, the team was further split into two benches by the President, who charged by the elimination of the team play-off to the Italian players, saving him from the gallows stranieri.Non a move fits perfectly, not forgetting that the Italian Cup in Grosseto will play and try to win to reach the next Champions League teams can italiani.In final field only players but there's two teams already charged ready to do battle on Friday evening at the stadium Steno Borghese of Neptune, which will host four of the possible seven races finale.Ma on all this falls a veil of tristezza.E 'of In fact, yesterday the news that the pitcher Peter Nyari San Marino, 36, fell from the balcony of his home in Dogana.Nyari fortunately concluded the flight from the third floor on the roof of his car that has cushioned the fall and saved his vita.Il pitcher of San Marino is in fact ended up in hospital with a dislocated hip that will heal in a final mese.Dunque nothing for him, but a huge sigh of relief for the family for the team, which certainly will try to bring in the republic of San Marino for the Italian title dedicated to his closer.