Tuesday, April 28, 2009

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Cat 5-7 Students: Lancers 2-1

After the defeat to extra innings last Saturday in that of Florence, for students of the Marshes get another defeat the wire, if possible even more undeserved: the children of Maximilian Perella unsheathe indeed an outstanding performance during all six innings (played under a heavy rain) showing a large potenzialeper upcoming games. Especially the departing Perella Riccardo shows be in a state of great form, getting 10 k in 4 innings and allowing only one point to his opponents. The runner of the Lancers show good control and can also limit the clubs rossoblu allowing only one point on four occasions. You get then the last 2 innings in a situation of absolute equality, and is the team to show more Lastra a Signa coolness and decisiveness of the most evil during partita.La home team containing only strikers in the Marshes at the top of the fifth able to resume then hit the pad rossoblu Samuel Reggioli on 2 occasions, scoring the point that proves decisive. Children of Maxine Perella fact in their latest attempt to attack does not affect having the balls coming from the local relief and conclude the game with the bases full, increasing the regret may be sufficient but also show that a small step forward in terms of belief and bad racing to achieve great levels of play.

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Series B-Marsh: Marsh-Massa 3-4 (race 1), 6-3 (race 2)

Two races photocopy and two diametrically results opposti.Si ends in a draw earned the first race weekend of the 2009 Series B Padule.Nella challenge housewife with Massa's team rossoblu a good start in both races, showing, however, limits evident in the consolidated results during the game. In the afternoon challenge Marsh pays for these its limitations: the team led by Alessandro Bianchi and Jose Canelo begins well and responds to the initial 2-0 Massa with three points at the bottom of the first ripresa.Da then on, however, the Marsh scored only 3 valid, while the mass at the top of the ninth inning is the final two points of overtaking, bringing home the success with the result of 4-3.Anche in race 2 have already seen the script is repeated in the afternoon, the mass opening of hostilities and scored a point in the first game of the Attacks, and Marsh replies immediately taking on 2-1. The pitcher of the Marshes Denny Lenzerini, however, started his second shot from the beautiful game: the departing rossoblu, helped by a very nearly perfect defense, and eliminates 10 consecutive batters after the game has collected as many as 8 k, with only 6 valid e 5 basi ball concesse. In attacco però il Padule fatica,così come in gara 1,ma stavolta la fortuna gira e in vista del traguardo il Padule si sblocca:con i primi due battitori dell'ottava ripresa già eliminati,il lanciatore del Massa crolla,la difesa non lo aiuta e il Padule ne approfitta mettendo a segno 2 valide (con un doppio di Lumini), e sfruttando le 3 basi ball e l'errore (il quarto della partita) della difesa del Massa. Risultato:4 punti segnati e 6-1 parziale che chiude praticamente i conti. Forse anche per il largo vantaggio acquisito Lenzerini si rilassa e concede 2 valide e 2 punti agli attaccanti ospiti nella parte alta della nona ripresa,ma la sostanzanon cambia più:il Padule vince 6-3 ristabilendo quindi la parità dopo defeat the afternoon.

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Cat.Cadetti: Marsh GR-Junior 3-17

The defeat was expected, but the team showed cadets of the Marshes, better than it does the result of being able to contain good strikers Maremma, only to give to guests at 6 points with errors are avoidable and shot entirely dictated with haste. Overall, however, the team played a good game rossoblu whereas 4 of the 6 pitchers available, including injuries and absences were not in the game. Therefore of great merit good team also goes to two pitchers who took turns on the mountain: Jonathan Grazzini, who took second inning and a half head in more than one occasion the attackers white and red, and Sefian Bhada, in the seasonal on mound. Also good test of the six students who played for the occasion with the team next challenge cadetti.La team led by Manuel Mazzoni is scheduled for Wednesday, April 29 at home against Antella 17.30.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

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Cat . Boys: 1 st day recovery

After Junior Florence 2, Sunday beaten 16-11 in Florence, the boys team of the Marshes is granted a great victory on the first team of the Junior Florence, which falls under the blows of the players rossoblu yielding after 6 -fought innings with the score 5-7. The proof of the boys gudati by Miguel and Lorenzo Vassallo Ienni was almost perfect: Lorenzo Vassallo and Elisa Lizza, who took turns on stage, well have contained the dangerous bats guests, while their comrades in the defense closing every possible space. Even players on offense Sesto impressed for the continuity of the pressure that forced the visitors to give space to the attackers of the Marshes which have cynically exploited every opportunity to gain valuable points of advantage which was enough to bring home a victory of great prestige and also very important for the classifica.Grazie also to victory over Livorno that Junior was not presented to the concentration (6-0 so the result in favor of the Marshes) rossoblu the team is the third highest in the standings with three wins and only one defeat. And on Sunday on the diamond of Sesto Fiorentino Massa comes second in the standings: a golden opportunity to try to climb the rankings again. Dreaming sooner or later reach the Grosseto ...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

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students: Junior-Fi Marsh 12-11 (the 7th)

THAT SHOW !!!!! This would be enough to describe the match between Junior Cerreti Florence Marsh. Unfortunately, the duty of the news leads me to say something else, because one can not speak in detail of the beautiful game on the diamond this afternoon view of Campo di Marte. The two teams have created one of the most spectacular match of last year, leaving no stone unturned to bring home success. Too bad this wonderful show has been ruined by the attitude of some parents that children have indulged in words and deeds by no means coincides with a lot of students (even in Serie A, for that matter). But I think this one should not talk too much and we should instead concentrate on the game played in the field, which has seen the Marshes dominated in the first part, be the first comeback Fiorentina, retrieve the result still in the first inning before giving additional . The beginning of the players of the Marshes is striking: so many good jokes in the first 3 innings, which yield a total of 6 points, while the excellent test-runner Richard Perella, dressed up with some excellent defensive play, without the local clubs to the colon scored in the first round. At the bottom of the third inning Perella Riccardo reaches the limit of launches and gives way to the mountain to Samuel Reggioli (un fenomeno quando riceve,una sicurezza quando sale sul monte) che centra lo strikeout sul primo battitore affrontato lasciando così a zero per il secondo inning consecutivo i giocatori di casa. Che però reagiscono alla grande e nei due inning successivi non concedono punti ai giocatori del Padule mettendo invece a segno 8 punti (3 e 5 rispettivamente) che valgono il sorpasso sul 10-6 con solo l'ultima ripresa da giocare. Un'ultima ripresa che riserva però ancora tante emozioni:perchè il rilievo dello Junior Firenze non riesce più a trovare la zona dello strike,concedendo qualche base e molti avanzamenti per lancio pazzo agli attaccanti del Padule, e perchè nell'ultimo lancio della ripresa (che poteva anche essere l'ultimo della partita) Niccolò Civai dimostra a tutti quello che è il carattere dei nostri allievi: punteggio 10-9 per lo Junior Firenze,2 out,conto pieno,corridori in seconda e terza base.Questa la situazione quando il terza base del Padule decide di rompere gli indugi e colpisce la palla lanciata dal rilievo biancorosso spedendola contro le recinzioni del campo (a oltre 100 metri). Due punti per il Padule e situazone ulteriormente ribaltata:11-10 per il Padule a metà dell'ultimo inning. La difesa del Padule contiene bene la rabbia degli attaccanti locali,che si stavano vedendo sfuggire di mano la partita,e concede ai ragazzi dello Junior Firenze un solo punto.Si va dunque agli inning supplementari,ma le emozioni finiscono qui:nel proprio tentativo di attacco infatti il Padule fails to bite, while players of the house with two bars can apply to score the decisive point is that, after more than 3 hours and 20 minutes of play, a win that both teams deserved to take home.

Monday, April 6, 2009

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Cat Boys: 2nd day

A win and a defeat for the team guys in the concentration of Florence valid for the second day of the season (remember that first day, postponed by rain last Sunday, will be recovered Sunday, April 19 at Sesto Fiorentino). The adventure of the children of Miguel and Lorenzo Vassallo Ienni (entered in the technical staff of only a few weeks) begins with a convincing victory over the Florence Junior 2. Children of the Marshes are able to penetrate more into the game that score, however, bringing a handsome 16-11 victory. Perfect on the season debut of Matthew Beech Mountain, while the new arrival Matthew Miniati has been shown to rise to the occasion when he was called out to the departing rossoblu. In the second encounter comes instead defeat the most quoted Arezzo, which had already met the Marshes Winterleague force them into a tie (3-3). This time the music is different and if the departing Lorenzo Vassallo, to limit the damage, the relief Jonathan Arians can not rein in Arezzo clubs, which are unleashed in the second part of the meeting closed with the final score of 16-8 . E 'but just the relief of the Marshes to score la battuta che rimane negli occhi al termine della partita: Jonathan Ariani riesce infatti,con tutte le basi occupate, a mettere a segno un fuoricampo interno che frutta al Padule ben 4 dei suoi 8 punti finali.Un grande slam che non basta però per fermare la corsa dell'Arezzo.

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Cadets : Marsh-Lib.Perugia

Sconfitta immeritata nella prima partita di questo campionato per la squadra Cadetti del Padule, che cede 18-7 alla Libertas Perugia dopo aver lottato per oltre due ore. Le due squadre,che già lo scorso anno avevano dato vita ad delle più belle partite del campionato (vittoria del Perugia in casa per 6-5) dimostrano ancora una volta di equivalersi e fin dalle prime battute si capisce che la partita sarà estremamente equilibrata. Nella prima ripresa infatti i due lanciatori partenti esibiscono numeri da fenomeni e le due squadre mantengono la parità sul punteggio di 2-2. Nella seconda ripresa qualche base di troppo concessa dal partente del Padule Jacopo Mani permette agli ospiti di mettere a segno 4 punti.I giocatori sentono che la partita potrebbe sfuggirgli di mano e reagiscono mettendo a segno 3 battute valide che fruttano altrettanti punti. Il punteggio è dunque di 6-5 per gli ospiti,che allungano ulteriormente nella parte alta della terza ripresa portandosi sull'11-5.Questa volta la reazione del Padule è più lieve e il Perugia vede accorcirsi il proprio vantaggio di sole 2 lunghezze (11-7 il parziale).Nella quarta ripresa una splendida prova sul monte del rilievo rossoblu Jonathan Grazzini permette alla Umbrian team to score only one point and then take on 12-7. In attack, however, the marsh is no longer able to hit as the first shots and scored no points at the bottom of the fourth inning, leaving unchanged the advantage ospite.A this point, things are becoming easier to Perugia, which puts immediately sign the 2 points which means victory certa.Si continues to play with the Marshes now resigned to defeat that leaves room for the clubs so guests, who scored another four points in the fifth and final attack, thereby setting the score on 18-7. A defeat, however honorable for a team like that extensively remodeled the Marshes: 3 players absent through injury and 4 guys in the team Students (Mark Baroncelli, Simone Marinelli, Richard and Samuel Perella Reggioli) called to help their fellow adults. And they did so in an extremely positive, defending and bringing to perfection also scored three good jokes.

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7-18 Students: Marsh-Vallisneri 15-8

First league win for the team that is clearly in excess of the Marshes Cadets (15-8 the final) the team of Lucca Vallisneri. It 'was a game that still presented difficulties for the children of Maximilian Perella, in the first inning could not score despite taking his guests on a good day on the mountain of Perella Riccardo runner and shows great form in attack. But it took an inning, or rather one line to erase any concerns and allow students to launch the Marshes to the first win of the season (excluding friendlies). Everything happens at the bottom of the third round: Vallisneri the team is ahead 6-5, the Marsh has a runner on base and Perella Riccardo, in courts, he decided to change the course of the game: hitting deep, as well as the exterior, and utilizes his speed to score inside the boundary that carries on the Marshes. From that moment all the players seem tranquillizzarsi.Anche new arrivals, until then a little 'in joke hesitant, unlock and bring an important contribution to the team both offensively and defensively. Visitors to the contrary can no longer worry rossoblu pitchers and the game goes on as until termine.Una major victory for the students of the Marsh team, especially after the disappointment of last week, when the marsh was due to surrender to the Cosmos only due to a sudden thunderstorm that had led to the suspension of the game.