Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Vertigo After Waking Up

Series B-Marsh: Marsh-Massa 3-4 (race 1), 6-3 (race 2)

Two races photocopy and two diametrically results opposti.Si ends in a draw earned the first race weekend of the 2009 Series B Padule.Nella challenge housewife with Massa's team rossoblu a good start in both races, showing, however, limits evident in the consolidated results during the game. In the afternoon challenge Marsh pays for these its limitations: the team led by Alessandro Bianchi and Jose Canelo begins well and responds to the initial 2-0 Massa with three points at the bottom of the first ripresa.Da then on, however, the Marsh scored only 3 valid, while the mass at the top of the ninth inning is the final two points of overtaking, bringing home the success with the result of 4-3.Anche in race 2 have already seen the script is repeated in the afternoon, the mass opening of hostilities and scored a point in the first game of the Attacks, and Marsh replies immediately taking on 2-1. The pitcher of the Marshes Denny Lenzerini, however, started his second shot from the beautiful game: the departing rossoblu, helped by a very nearly perfect defense, and eliminates 10 consecutive batters after the game has collected as many as 8 k, with only 6 valid e 5 basi ball concesse. In attacco però il Padule fatica,così come in gara 1,ma stavolta la fortuna gira e in vista del traguardo il Padule si sblocca:con i primi due battitori dell'ottava ripresa già eliminati,il lanciatore del Massa crolla,la difesa non lo aiuta e il Padule ne approfitta mettendo a segno 2 valide (con un doppio di Lumini), e sfruttando le 3 basi ball e l'errore (il quarto della partita) della difesa del Massa. Risultato:4 punti segnati e 6-1 parziale che chiude praticamente i conti. Forse anche per il largo vantaggio acquisito Lenzerini si rilassa e concede 2 valide e 2 punti agli attaccanti ospiti nella parte alta della nona ripresa,ma la sostanzanon cambia più:il Padule vince 6-3 ristabilendo quindi la parità dopo defeat the afternoon.


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