Thursday, December 30, 2010

Examples Of Holiday Greetings

SUMS and good intentions

Tomorrow is the last day of the year ... it's time to take stock and make a list of good intentions ...

work I finally materialized in a couple of jobs I held, including one driven by years ... (luckily I have some clients magnanimous!). then positive sum. (I propose you a preview image one of them ... we are waiting for permission to withdraw for good luck ... so I'll get better when it's time ..!)

also because of this, the work goes into the studio rather, they are more because I feel more independent ...

love, well, things go well, I'm strainnamorata! But certainly there is a little slack .. we work hard and we have little time for us ... so positive sum, to be fixed! . (Hoibò!)

then say that these last two years I have put to the test .. I am grown up, and things have happened around me very sad ... we hope will serve to crescere.

stavolta per l'anno nuovo voglio mettere nero su bianco i miei buoni intenti...! chissà che riesca a realizzarli tutti!

quest'anno voglio imparare qualcosa di nuovo...ho già dei progetti in testa!! ;P
 per esempio impegnarmi con il mio corso di cucina!!!


voglio fare qualcosa di importante..qualcosa che dia una svolta alla mia vita, o almeno che le dia una direzione più definita. ho bisogno di uno scossone positivo, per scrollarmi di dosso questo velo malinconico che a volte mi copre.

3_ il proposito più importante: REALIZZARE UN SOGNO! provo..chissà...

e voi che propositi avete per l'anno nuovo??!!!

vi auguro vi porti tutto iò che desiderate..e tanta tanta serenità!!

BUON 2011!!!!!

Long Don Silver Imagenes

my christmas gifts!

Allora? come è andata a Natale?? mangiato come mailini??!! ricevuto fantastici regali?? at least some of what you wanted?

I can not resist, I want to say now what I got! taraaaaaaaaaaaa:: .... A BEAUTIFUL COOKING ! .. Everyone ask me if I offended ... but NO! .. Is a wonderful gift! inspired by my desire to learn and create .. but also by the need for the tough little thing ... because of my inconsistency! hehe! This is the LINK school which was included .. I CAN NOT WAIT TO START! I hope will allow me to take pictures!

then my mother, incidentally, gave me a fantastic new food processor! so I can try now the new lessons! here it is, it is him!

later in the year-end considerations! ;)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Lethal Doses Of Xanax


.. who these days can afford to spend the holidays with joy with their family, like me, I mean we have to enjoy these moments, and every moment of our lives.
We are nothing, I am learning in recent times, looking very closely and sometimes enduring what life can bring .. we are nothing.
): (scusatemi! just is not me at Christmas to be sad, but these days it happened a What is so bad a person I knew (very close to Antonio) that I almost feel guilty to be happy!

however, enough! That life RESERVES EVER SO MUCH JOY!
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Let's enjoy the pleasure of our loved ones!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cruising Areas Toronto

good solstice!

hello friends! while ronfettando front of the screen (as is often the case lately ..), I find that now is the 21 ! and, apart from the fact that missing pochissimissimo Christmas, tell me that today is the first day of winter .. CHEeeee?? mode but I'm already freezing cold for a month!! I was icy! ... Like SCRAT !
then today is the shortest day of the year ... and there will be the longest night ... I find it extremely fascinating! ... Is the celebration of Yule ... .

these beautiful pictures, right?

he too is not bad ... but what SPA? .. Answer: How should I know ???.. this picture came out looking yule !!!... and it deserves!


Meanwhile ... I did the last Sunday flea market .. and now I'm thinking of putting on my first giveaway ... I hope to find time to do everything as I would like !!...