Monday, January 31, 2011

Drivers License Wisconsin Template

desire for freshness!

hello dear / i! well past the WE?

today I woke up with a strong desire to spring, then I thought I'd give it a shot of freshness to my blogghino ... well, I opened the windows to let in some fresh air!

aaah .. it's nice to change it? I like the changes! I bring joy and enthusiasm.

I leave already! very short posterò le foto dell'ultima "cucinata" più una sorpresina!!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Inmate Searchcomments

hate the baseboards!

una coppia di amici stà comprando casa..e mi chiede un consiglio sulla scelta delle finiture...ed ecco ricomparire lui, l'innominabile, il maledetto BATTISCOPA!!!

beh care amiche, vi voglio svelare questa cosa: IO LO DETESTOO!!!
ancor di più detesto le essenze che le imprese propongono in capitolato ai poveri acquirenti...

ecco qua l'alternativa migliore: IL ROVERE NATURALE
(si ma..quello color "miele"..orrendoooo!!)

vabbèh ... but if used in large planks, with a matte finish you can bear ... like here: (nb BEAR!))

But be careful! Password: The baseboard must shoot!

well ... I am for the baseboard white ... especially if the doors are white (current trends) ...
and in any case regardless of the type of flooring ..

..certo..l'ottimale sarebbe


come in queste ambientazioni di Listone Giordano:

buon pomeriggio gente!!
( e adesso tutti a casa a staccare il battiscopa dai muri!! ;P )

ciao ciao!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Can Herpes Be In The Pubic Area?

course cucina_seconda lesson

budà budà, budà budabubudà...budà budà, budà budabubudà...(= leggi budà budà, musicando la sigletta del PRIMA/DOPO di "vendo casa disperatamente", su realtime.....continua a canticchiare finchè guardi le foto che seguono...)




buda buda buda
budabubudà ....

COURSE Risotto alla Milanese ...


Onion soup au gratin ...
papparrrrrrappa pa!

good weekend to all! (People cook .. cook !!!!)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Can I Get Pregnant With Strecthy Discharge

women in the works: powerful women?!

These days I'm working a lot more .. that another run to the right and left, I froze staying out for hours, bickering, send recommendations, ordering ... (more or less )...!
a couple of weeks in fact, I began work for the renovation of a house near here ...

.. I know it is not the best .. but you'll see when it's over! ;)
For a woman, the experience of management of construction, it becomes more immediately, in a war between the sexes ..! .. If you want to see you when you arrive on site, you must turn in a "fair " by the sharp claws !!!!... I say it is a bit annoying ... I tend to be quite friendly ... but Haim is a very serious mistake !!!!!

.. So winning the trust and respect of four Omoni nervoluti coming directly from the stone age (that is what you hold in your hand is the evolution of the club, or a bat wall ..) is not easy for a woman ... "MAN HEAD OF WOMEN'S READY ROOM, UGA!"

Besides, we also gets in the way the client which is now on the verge of a nervous breakdown and voluntary self-induced!

Sti men do not understand that their health, they must let the power roles are covered by women! everything work better and they would live more serene! BAH!

ps. During the second episode tonight .. I'll come home smelling of soup ...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Senior Week Rentals For 1500

cooking is a serious thing

How wonderful! last night I finally started my cooking course! everything takes place in the house of Mrs. Daniela ... who lives in an old farmhouse, renovated with great taste. Modern style shabby .. guessed a mix of various elements, which I must say it gives a nice warm feeling.

photos stolen and move a little ...
the method is very interesting: the fact that it takes place in a kitchen of the house makes it more intimate ... friendships are established and each is directly involved ... and finally .. ALL ON THE TABLE! GNAMM!:)

I did not take many pictures .. we were all a little shy ... but the theme of the evening were the appetizers and sauces .. base. Here are some realizations:

ZUCCHINI PIE: I learned how to make the dough brisa, bechamel sauce, the Morlay, what is a roux and how we do it "fair." As the vegetables are cut without torn le dita, come fare un soffritto come si deve ecc.

abbiamo fatto anche delle ottime quiche Lorraine...

abbiamo preparato un'ottima mousse al cioccolato e caffè e pastellato delle il piatto forte è stato il SUFFLè!
(con formaggio gruviera)

Ho capito una cosa: cucinare è una cosa seria: is order, discipline. each operation is carefully calculated and specific reasons. Nothing is left to chance! ... .. Then I leave my damn fast! This does not necessarily mean that we should devote hours to delegate everything ... but when you cook you have to disconnect from the world, and each step must be done with care, in an orderly manner.
goodbye chaos!

will manage?! Mah .. .. I'm a chronic disorganized! sob!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Yak Metal Core Wheels For Sale


Here I am! it is time to unveil the winner of my first giveaway !!... I will be brief with the pleasantries: thanks rigrazie, cheers my new supporters give me how happy I am. :)

Well .... I have considered 51 because two comments were deleted.:


evvivaaaa! applausiiii!! CLAP CLAP CLAP!

there's more!
I am very happy with the outcome of this little experience, you have participated in many, I did not expect its not .. I thought I knew so many new people!
then I thank you all! ^ - ^

this giveaway but I had thought at first to thank and show my affection to the blogger friends I've met in recent months and more following my posts ... (I thought they only participated in practice! Hihi!) .. and this idea remained in my head. So I decided to still give a thought to them, and more precisely to the four bloggers who have commented recently with more frequency ...!

specifically, I will send a little thought to (in alphabetical order ..!):

COLORES! : basically a polyglot! writes his post in three different languages, we can rejoice with pictures always delicious and has a great manual! ... personally I love his post in English, and his pictures from Germany! Thanks!

ELY !: I try to take as much inspiration from her and her wonderful blog! .. But unfortunately I have a tenth of his talent in the kitchen and combines deidisastri always! SOB! ... Let her visit is an experience for the eyes and the palate! ;)
Thanks Ely!

LAURA! : I love her style: feminine, romantic, classy! His comments are always fresh .. and sometimes even bring luck! :) Thanks Laura!

SERE! : I LOVE LOVE LOVE! Solar energy, a volcano of sympathy! If I feel down, I visit his blog, and just see the pink pig make a beautiful smile! Sere .. you are welcome! :) Thanks!

look forward to all the addresses on my mail: pa.paja @

gift for the four "honorable mention" I do not know yet what will be ... and then, SURPRISE !
have patience is an idea that came to me only last night! I invent something !!!!! : D

That's all! I hope to visit the blog of all!


Monday, January 10, 2011

How Do Phone Intercoms Work

WOW! .. Candles and jams ...

Wauuuuuuuuuuuu WOW WOW!
beeeeh! I do not think to unleash all this with a giveaway! are soooooo happy! I never thought of having all this feedback! grazieee thank you thank you !!!.. I hope to take risks to move from all of you .. but you already humbly ask forgiveness if we do not succeed! striped striped ..
(vermizzo ground as a sign of forgiveness!)

tomorrow night will carry out the extraction with automatic one of those things ... I searched the web and I found! ammappa the tecnologgia! and then I'll tell you the super winner! ;)

while you entertain with these two jars of photino misleading ...

few days ago ... I had to meet a friend, that I had not even given a little thought Christmas ... and so I put on in two two four of these jams / jellies with orange, cinnamon and star anise ....

but they are super tricky! because opening the lid we find that it is ...

two candles!

funny is not it?! and even these super scented!

goodnight! and tomorrow with the winner!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Toshiba Touchpad Sidebar


mother uh! I'm home on vacation, but I have so many things to do that a lot latito know! forgive me but I just keep one of my promises! I want to celebrate with you the beginning of the year that I hope will bring great news a tutti, e voglio festeggiare anche tutte Voi, che con questo blog ho avuto la fortuna di incontrare!! e allora eccolo: IL MIO PRIMO GIVEAWAY! ( che parola difficile..ogni volta sbaglio a scirverla grazie alla mia profonda ignoranza..sboff!)

CHESSIVINCE????!!   due bellissime e PROFUMATISSIME saponette a cuore, da appendere dove volete!!

è un regalino semplice lo sò, ma è tanto carino! spero vi piaccia! è un pensierino che ho fatto per una di voi! Non sò in quante se sarete pochine almeno di buono c'è che avrete piu possibilità di vincere!! HUHU!!

allora aspetto your comments, and if you want to link from your blog as well, if you like! :) By the

not wait to do the little packet! You have time until Tuesday January 11th!

a kiss! (I promise that slowly step tutteeee!) CIAOOOOOO!