Friday, February 25, 2011

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drawings more than words explain

"A due minuti a piedi dai negozi colorati del Canal Saint-Martin, davanti alla Gare de l’Est, c’è un ex convento che il Comune di Parigi ha trasformato in residence per artisti, ricercatori, intellettuali. Manuele Fior vive qui, «grazie alla domanda presentata dal mio editore» spiega. Dal monolocale con soppalco si vede una Parigi alla moda e bohémien al punto right. Romance, like the space on this side of the window. In one corner of the guitar, the Billy bookcase and stereo now plays songs Aperture and Rufus Wainwright, right next to the drawing board. Attached to the wall of the post-drawn at a dinner with friends and photos with his girlfriend of Manuel French Anne-Lise taken the subway in the machines. It is a house full of grace, where Manuel creates comics that have just received the biggest prize in Europe, "Fauve d'Or Angoulême International Festival of .
Five thousand kilometers per second, published in Italy by Coconino Press , is the story of a love that never ends, but neither can to begin again, the story of the feelings of great friends Piero crossed for Lucy and Nicola, from Italy, Norway and Egypt. "A graphic novel where the drawings are as important as the plot - says Fior -. Indeed, the watercolors are often running the show. Every cartoonist has a way of proceeding, I do not ever write the screenplay for the first and then illustrate it. I have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe focal point of the story, but then I will let the boards to impose the rhythm. Some drawings, certain expressions of the characters end up being decisive, say more than many words. The comics are not a graphic novel, like Hugo Pratt said. "
The graphic novel as an art form has been made known to a wider audience by the masterpiece of American Blankets Craig Thompson, thirty-five-like flowers. "Blankets made it clear that the combination of drawings and words could tell a complete story, like a movie or a novel, but in a different way. It is something else than comic serial that are usually gender, crime or science fiction ... The author's comic book can talk about anything, any aspect of reality, even the lives of people. Dylan Dog, Tex, Diabolik are fine, but with comics you can do even more. "
Manuele Fior, a family born in Cesena Friuli, Air Force military pilot father and teacher mother, he started drawing as a child. «Come capita a molti fumettisti è una passione che comincia presto. Disegnando Goldrake, per esempio. Ho sempre desiderato fare questo mestiere, ma naturalmente i miei premevano per un’istruzione tradizionale. Mi sono laureato in architettura a Venezia facendo un soggiorno Erasmus a Berlino, dove mi sono trasferito finita l’università. Da allora in Italia non sono più tornato».
Esiste una «generazione Erasmus»? «Sì, alla fine l’Erasmus cambia - o rovina (dice ridendo) - le vite. Si prende gusto a imparare lingue straniere mai studiate prima, a conoscere persone interessanti. Credo che ormai si sia formata una specie di strato sociale a parte, una comunità di nuovi europei che sono andati a study abroad and have been marked by the experience. In Five thousand kilometers per second also faces the downside, the fact of being a bit 'nomads, without any real membership. A little 'identity is lost, and sometimes it hurts, is the price you pay for freedom. "
After Berlin, where he found a job as an architect, Manuel moved to Norway to be close to his girlfriend at the time. In the story graph Norway Lucia is the place where he moved after the end of love with Peter, which instead goes to Egypt, to Aswan, to make the archaeologist. "We have lived even I - Manuel says - I met a researcher in Berlin who worked there and I asked him to take me with him, I even washed the floors. Instead, I started making drawings of the archaeological excavations. " Five kilometers is roughly the distance between Aswan and Norway and a second is the time it takes - in the telephone conversation between Lucy and Peter - because the voice of one another arrives. "But apart from the places the story is not autobiographical, I prefer fictional characters because they are more free to mistreat them as I please."
After the relationship with the Norwegian girl, Fior chose France because his friend Alessandro Tota's offer to host it for some time and because after Paris (Brussels) is the heart of European comics. «Mi sono sentito subito a casa, un certo calore latino mi mancava. La Francia mi sembra un’Italia che funziona. Vivo qui da tre anni, c’è una comunità di disegnatori italiani piuttosto solida. Dopo la generazione di Lorenzo Mattotti, Tanino Liberatore e Igort, sono passati da Parigi o vivono ancora qui Gipi, che vinse Angoulême nel 2006, Alessandro Tota, Luigi Critone, Francesco Cattani, Piero Macola».
Che differenze ci sono con i fumettisti francesi? «Loro sono dei maestri a livello tecnico, c’è una lunga tradizione e un’editoria molto forte, basta vedere gli scaffali dedicati alle bandes dessinées in ogni libreria. Se vendere cinquemila copie in Italia è un grande successo, in France that figure is usually the starting point, the circulation of a first edition. But, in my opinion, the Italian authors are a bit 'bolder, more original. "
Sitting near the kitchenette, with a glass of red wine from Burgundy, Fior speaks of the music that influences him. "I really like the songs of Federico Fiume, the simplicity of the stories he tells while maintaining a great human warmth, completely outdated. A, Elena, I chose as the epigraph of Five: "Crossing the rails, wagons sitting on empty / I looked on this sail past the station / stop the glass. And your face is the color / ghost of a summer / that You left without rushing down / like a dress ..."».
During this period, but the music is contemporary classical in the former convent, Luigi Nono, György Ligeti, Krzysztof Penderecki. "Ligeti in particular evokes landscapes, just close your eyes and you see his worlds. It is a very visual music, it is no coincidence that Stanley Kubrick used to have the 2001 Space Odyssey . I like to listen to the new cartoon and I think even if I'm off because I can not picture together. "On the table are just sketches of the forthcoming book," a story set in the Italy of 2050. A little 'science fiction of anticipation: a family story as any reaction to the news that an extraterrestrial civilization has tried in vain to contact us. There are no spaceships, are intrigued by the intimate confines of the story. Like Steven Spielberg in Close Encounters of the Third Kind , so that speaks of contact with aliens, however, seen through the eyes of a family that explodes. It is the sense of the sublime: a small stage in front of a huge backdrop. Using science fiction as a camera far away to talk with most of the daily posting. After
yellows, ochres, blues and purple of Five, the new novel will be in black and white, "as the photographs of Cindy Sherman."
Winning the prize means of Angoulême reprint the book and be able to immediately apply the cover band magic that usually does increase sales. What is the next step in the career of a cartoonist? "To publish the new book will take more than a year of work. Then I'd like to do an animated film. We have already discussed some time ago, with Gipi. The Italians might try Paris'. "(By Stefano Montefiori, designs explain more than words," Corriere della Sera ", 21/02 / '11)

Interview with Manuele Fior: every story, every design must have its heart ("Il Sole 24 Ore")


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