Friday, February 25, 2011

Mens Onyx Stud Earrings

Reading Diary: Vittorino Andreoli

"Il primo in Italia a spiegare al grande pubblico i misteri della psiche: ogni anno pubblica due libri, uno di saggistica (l’ultimo sul denaro), l’altro di narrativa
«Si accomodi in quella poltroncina, vuole? È lì che si sono seduti tutti. In quel periodo, dopo il 1992, questo quiet studio, an apartment in the city of the province, it seemed more secure. They came from Rome to be cured: they had seen a disintegration mondoGli encounters between psychiatrist and patient are always punctuated by silence, but with my patients Tangentopoli these losses were even more long and agonizing. For this I placed a small picture on the wall with this black mask Carnival: that was where you went to place their eyes in moments of embarrassment. "
The report of Professor Vittorio Andreoli, in a beautiful stone building not far from Verona dall'Adige, saw these and millions of other things. Psychiatrist of the most famous in Italy, educated in his city, but love of Scotland ("Stevenson, the headlights, the birth of child psychology! "), and with a long academic experience between Britain and the United States, Andreoli is also a passionate communicator: the first from us, to explain to the general public the mysteries of the psyche. Author generous, public at the rate of two books a year: one of them should be a sage and the other a work of fiction is a contractual commitment and also, as we shall see, a source of resentment. After analyzing the hardships of the Italian family, the great crime, drugs and suffering of teens, just published by Rizzoli , Money head in - this time it was up to the wise -, all focused on money.
You can not say that you are not on the news, teacher, in this Italy of blackmail where it seems that everyone has a price ... "Of course, the developments have gone beyond the imaginable, but the book was born from my annoyance against the uncontrolled dominance of economics and finance. You can not say that a rule ends up eating everything else, and we decline to rely solely on what you lose or gain. I was tired of seeing the convoluted subtleties of psychoanalysis undermined by a collapse in the stock market: I know, in the Brazilian favelas Freud is useless, but that we psychiatrists fine to be ridiculed ... My colleagues in Parma, at the time Tanzi of the scandal, told me that patients arrived in the morning and instead of bringing the dream of the night usually burst into tears: "I lost everything Doctor, doctor I can not pay ... "Behold, the beginning of the book I wonder if the money has come into the legitimacy of psychiatry. Shows that it is so and discusses the various forms: the way you illness, how to create unhappiness, addiction. E 'became the measure of all things. When, to cite Protagoras, the measure of all things should be the man. "
There is an author here, she cites so passionate and relevant, and Aldous Huxley. He was part of his reading of training? "Oh yes, I remember in the book's Alpha-Plus of New World . Huxley was an important meeting of my youth: among other things, was the brother of the biologist, and I am born from studies of that type. In those years began to appear the idea that man could be made happy even through a conditioning test tube. It was not fiction, mind you, but a scientific hypothesis ...».
What other writers have counted for her, especially at the beginning? "The first that comes to mind is Pirandello. Great psychologist, although he never had a direct relationship with the analysis. He attempted suicide, you know? His life was haunted by a mad wife, who suffers a great delusion of jealousy. One, No One hundred thousand is required reading for anyone who wants to deal with psychological suffering. But all the literature is my passion. Unfortunately due to a tragedy. "
No less? "But yes, I am a victim of forced differentiation between fiction and nonfiction. You see, I've always written stories of my crazy, since I was 22 years, I practice in the asylum of the tomb of St. James here in Verona and I carried a great schizophrenic Zinelli Carlo, home on weekends. When my mother certainly would have preferred a girl, even ugly ... The medical records of this Zinelli was so cold and impersonal that I fear, "taking medication, do not eat, accuses the evil belly ...". But it was a human being, what? Do not forget that at the time, we wondered if people with schizophrenia could see in black and white or color, and not even realize that they had put himself in a moral sense and aesthetic sense ... So, I attended those who were considered "almost men" and the cases transferred to them on paper in a narrative way. They were also the time of the conflict between the two cultures, this book has Charles Snow? My father, my hero, shouted at me: "Victorinus, but are you crazy? If you are a scientist mica can write that stuff. " For years I kept a safe full of secret manuscripts.
And when he started publishing, where he started? "The publishers wanted to essays, papers, essays! Before Mondadori, I worked for an extraordinary series, the East Then Valentino Bompiani, which engaged in a very friendly, and I thought I would publish my books. But no: "Andreoli, I've laid out the red carpet, but you know what I want from you ...". I am now, for many years, Rizzoli, I have a great relationship with Paul Zaninoni, but a contract that forces me to an essay a year. When, I'll admit, I dedicate myself to the wise 20% of my energy. The other 80 is for stories ...».
Two books a year, in addition to the job of a psychiatrist. How do you honor a commitment so pressing? "Writing does not amuse me, is a terrible effort. I have my own liturgies, my schedule, just pens, a long meditation on the construction, the working title of the index. And to work I lock myself in a place forgotten by all, in the north of Scotland, in a monastery on the Atlantic. No phones, no TV, no pests. The baker is three miles away. "
will have readings that support in times of relief. "I'm not the type who reads for distraction. My books are always aimed at a project and underlined the sheets between the pages. Moreover, even when I read, the psychiatrist extreme cases, I try my crazy there, too: I love Dostoevsky, who was insane, epileptic, great gambler. And Strindberg, and Pirandello. But first there is the Greek tragedy, especially Euripides, Medea especially .
As to poetry ... "... if he lets me do the rants Ungaretti: "The man stuck in a vacuum / her gossamer" Is there anything more heartbreaking? Or Cardarelli, Gulls : "I do not know where the gulls have their nests, where will find peace. I am like them in perpetual flight. The life like being the cascading water to catch food. And as you may also love the quiet, the great calm of the sea, but my fate is to live flashing in the storm. " So I live: in a storm. With all the mental suffering there in the world, difficult to do otherwise. "(from Egle Santolini, Long live crazy as Dostoevsky," Tuttolibri "," La Stampa ", 26/02 / '11)


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