Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Conduct Discussion

Vieni via con me

Exit book that collects the stories told by the writer to "Come away with me" from "La Repubblica" the entry with a personal top ten. Saviano's book will present tomorrow in Milan, Feltrinelli library Piazza Piemonte at 21.

"If your job is writing, television is like trying to breathe underwater. You can not do because you do not have gills, you must find a way, any way not to die of suffocation. When I met Fabio Fazio intending to tell stories on television in Italy, instinctively my answer was yes. I was excited, but I made only a slight nod as if to say yes my body was more than my thoughts. I was flattered by the proposal, but I could see many difficulties. The idea was born after a single episode of transmission of Fabio that I attended had reached in the early evening, listen very telling tall stories of the Camorra, books, and persecuted writers. But working with a television program, build it from first to last minute, for a writer has something unreal. "You'll see that we can," he said Fabio, who understood what was stirring in my head and wanted to somehow calm down. From that moment we shared everything, satisfaction and doubts, fears and anger as it is rare to happen, or at least as it had never happened to me. You
an adventure game made up of tension, sadness, passion, an adventure that gave me vertigo and can really see a path beyond the night. The night of this country. For the general management of the transmission had to be a niche, was to speak only to the few (for me that were already a multitude) who followed my earlier work on RaiTre.
But this time we had in mind something different. People were thinking of a transmission, a transmission that could reach a wider audience. That was the story and entertainment. This is what generated the initial short-circuit, the controversy over compensation, the political concerns of the company, suspected of a complaint Prior, underground, the clear impression that you want to stop our words.
Do not be naive in comparing this situation with that of countries where there is a total censorship of the media. Italy is Iran's Ahmadinejad or Castro's Cuba, where my peers are not allowed free use of the Internet, where it is not granted to the winner of international journalism awards go to collect or to return for the Athletes 'farewell to a dying parent. Italy is not growing that China does not allow dissent or whatever it was Pinochet's Chile. We are not prey to fascist totalitarianism. With us, however, the censoring mechanism is insidious because it is not immediately recognizable; its goal is to put a thousand difficulties to the implementation of a project, in the shadows, and then let the facts speak for "go bad", "Do not look at anyone," "Have you done listening to the third evening." At the end of the paradox in front of which we were has become clear: an editor who not having the strength to reject a transmission, does everything to make it go bad, to minimize the audience and forcing it into a niche where not give more discomfort.
We, however, dreamed of an ambitious program of quality, with important guests: a program to a large audience and able to tell Italy that rarely appears on television. We wanted to talk about the car of the mud, the mafia and politics, how the exchange of vows, lies on the earthquake, living wills, business waste. And it was clear that they were just afraid to make the contents of the transmission. On those, however, none of us was willing to deal with: they were an expression of our freedom. The dream (or ambition) was talking to that part of the country that is actually the largest, who want to reshape our land, to rebuild it so I want to say that we are not all equal and that our diversity lies in the ability to make mistakes without being corrupted, in having weaknesses that do not involve blackmail and extortion. Some of my reconstructions have been described as "infamous." "For the North Saviano is rubbish", "For Saviano il Nord è mafioso", hanno scritto e ci hanno addirittura definiti "partito della morte", semplificando al massimo quello che avevo raccontato in trasmissione.
Eppure, nonostante gli attacchi, le persone che ci guardavano da casa non si sono sentite più solo spettatori, isolati ognuno nelle proprie stanze, in platea o davanti al computer. Non ognuno che porta con sé lo sconforto di una storia triste o l'energia vitale di una bella storia. Ma qualcosa che senti si muove, la voglia di capire e di agire, di essere nelle cose. Non volevamo costruire una realtà parallela, ma raccontare come in un teatro greco, dove tutto è parte della vita della polis, dove c'è partecipazione, immedesimazione. Ascoltare un racconto and feel it is just like receiving a formula to adjust the world. And the miracle of this strange adventure television were the plays. We went to bed on Monday assured that the next day we had the usual accusations of having made a plan seen by few, only for fans and deployed. But something happens that we could not predict, because it never happened before. Come away with me beats every record plays on Raitre. It beats what was impossible to beat: Big Brother, reality. It happens that my monologues cashing a share higher than that of Inter-Barcelona in the Champions League. One thing was unexpected, unpredictable and disconcerting to us. I myself when I say I can not get up in the fund to believe.
Reaching so many people to change your life. Every day I came thousands of letters and messages of people who gave me their closeness, solidarity. I was often defended and embraced by a humanity which had for too long underestimated the strength, dignity and passion. But it also happens that there are those who slowly begins to hate, who was not invited to the transmission, those doing other programs and feels overcome or at least overshadowed. And understand that you never imagined: that there is a lot better for television to justify the horrible horrible world, rather than a mean to transform things, which puts a strain on everyone. But in those hours that really gets to me, despite the criticism, it was felt in every part of me that through television, an instrument that often seems pointless, sometimes seen as a machine to obscure their minds, it was accepting a desire to transform, to change, however, to say the you think politically, the country is different from what is represented, other than its political class, other than the disaster that is going through.
And the initial challenge was to tell this through different lists that Italy would have been the backbone of the transmission and grammar. A simple idea, because the lists are containers that can hold everything, every experience, every story. For this public participation was Maximum everyone thought to its own list and transmission, via Facebook and the site, there came in their thousands. Beautiful, funny, dramatic. And I thought the scene of Manhattan the films of Woody Allen, when lying on the sofa reflects "the idea for a story about sick people, who continually creates unnecessary problems and neurotic because this prevents him from dealing with the most terrifying and insoluble universal problems. " And as an antidote, Allen thinks something optimistic to a list of the things worth living for. Of course this is a gimmick, the chronically ill and he is optimistic the list is for him and only him to hide it from the unnecessary problems and neurotic as he is jailed. Woody Allen quotes Groucho Marx, Joe Di Maggio, the second movement of the Jupiter Symphony, Louis Armstrong, Flaubert's Sentimental Education, the Swedish film, Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra, those incredible apples and pears painted by Cezanne, the crabs Sam Wo's and Tracy's face. A list that is slightly more than a moral guide for the perplexed.
have always been drawn from the lists. One day I'd like to write books of lists. And I am sure that the list of things that make life worth living is a basic exercise to remember what we are made. A paper constituent of ourselves. I'd like to spend time listening to what people write, their ten things that make life worth living. I would piaciuto poterle leggerle in trasmissione. Ma le parole bisogna sempre saperle risparmiare. Qui, però, ho la carta davanti, lei non si sottrae mai. Purtroppo e per fortuna.
Ecco il mio elenco. Ecco le dieci cose per cui, per me, vale la pena vivere:
1) La mozzarella di bufala aversana.
2) Billy Evans che suona Love Theme From Spartacus.
3) Portare la persona che più ami sulla tomba di Raffaello Sanzio e leggerle l'iscrizione latina che molti ignorano [Ille hic est Raphael, timuit quo sospite vinci, rerum magna parens et moriente mori].
4) Il gol di Maradona del 2 a 0 contro l'Inghilterra ai mondiali del Mexico
5) L' Iliade .
6) Bob Marley che canta Redemption Song ascoltato nelle cuffie mentre passeggi libero.
7) Tuffarsi ma nel profondo, dove il mare è mare.
8) Sognare di tornare a casa dopo che sei stato costretto a star via molto, molto tempo.
9) Fare l'amore.
10) Dopo una giornata in cui hanno raccolto firme contro di te aprire il computer e trovare una mail di mio fratello che dice: "Sono fiero di te"." (da Roberto Saviano, Le cose per cui vale la pena vivere , "La Repubblica", 01/03/'11)


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