Saturday, March 12, 2011

I Am 12 And Have Gingivitis

The probable formation of Cesena - Juventus JUVE

usual problems in the infirmary Juve: Barzagli recuparto but is unlikely to be the owner and Delneri can not even count on Luca Toni, left bruised ankle during the match with Milan. Melo also out. Motta than the nominations of Grygera and Sorensen for the right wing. Cesena without Budan, ballot-Giaccherini Rosina, with the first favorite.

Saturday, March 12

Cesena (4-3-2-1): Antonioli; Santon, Pellegrino, Von Bergen, Lauro, Caserta, Colucci, Word; Giaccherini, Jimenez, Bogdan.
Facilities: Calderoni, Benalouane, Ceccarelli, Appiah, Piangerelli, Rosina, Malonga. Herds: Ficcadenti
Suspended: none
Out: fatigue, Felipe, Sammarco, Budan

Juventus (4-4-2): Buffon; Motta, Chiellini, Bonucci, Traore, Krasic, Marchisio, Aquilani Pepe, Matri, Del Piero.
Facilities: Storari, Grygera, Sorensen, Barzagli, Martinez, Buchel, Iaquinta. Herds: Delneri
Suspended: none
Out: Quagliarella, Sissoko, Felipe Melo, Grosso, De Ceglie, Rinaudo, Salihamidzic, Toni

Sport Mediaset

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Divisi dai compagni dopo un contrasto

Aria tesa in casa Juventus alla vigilia della gara di Cesena. Nel corso della partitella di allenamento, stando a quanto riportato dal quotidiano torinese Tuttosport, Vincenzo Iaquinta e Giorgio Chiellini sarebbero arrivati alle mani e sarebbe stato necessario l'intervento dei compagni per dividere i due litiganti ed evitare il peggio. A scatenare la zuffa sarebbero state un paio di entratacce del difensore sull'attaccante.

In realtà le entrate dure sarebbero state tre e la reazione di Iaquinta sarebbe arrivata solo al "terzo tentativo". In particolare l'attaccante si sarebbe avvicinato molto stizzito a Chiellini che, dice Tuttosport, avrebbe tentato di colpirlo con uno schiaffo. Che poi sia andato a segno o meno è tutto da scoprire. Sta di fatto che la questione ha rischiato di degenerare o, per dirla come in realtà è, non è degenerata solo per l'immediato intervento del resto della squadra, che ha diviso i due contendenti.

Sport Mediaset

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MANUTD, Backfire for Buffon

Secondo ci sarebbe un ritorno di fiamma del Manchester United per Gigi Buffon. Alex Ferguson è a caccia di un sostituto di van der Sar, che appenderà i guantoni a fine stagione, e sarebbe disposto a pagare qualsiasi cifra per poter contare su un portiere come Buffon as the most successful of its United came when the defense has relied on a number of high profile, see Schmeichel and Van der Sar. Juve, though, has no intention to divest its doors less than offered around 20 million €.


Juventus ... try putting the wings. From England they know that the Bianconeri are ready to knock on doors of Tottenham with a talent for more than 23 million € for Aaron Lennon. The performance from the outside in the Champions League against AC Milan Juventus have impressed the leadership, ready to ensure the performance for next season.


Observers Juventus Vargas Macias is in Ecuador (where he played the South American U-17) to rip yes Piazon Lucas. Everything seemed set with the St. Paul, but the player is a little 'tantrums sull'ingaggio. According to the Corriere dello Sport, the boy asked one million per year of engagement. Atletico Madrid and Chelsea are waiting for news.


Sebastian Giovinco could wear the jersey next season for Napoli. And 'this, at least, the idea of \u200b\u200bJuventus, still owns of the player's. La Formica Atomica always liked De Laurentiis and Juve still to pay in the blue box, € 10.5 million for the purchase of Quagliarella. According to the Corriere dello Sport, the leaders of the two teams could come meet.

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Mazzarri "Enticed by JUVE"

"Only at the end of year reckoning"

Rumors about a possible move to Juventus do not leave indifferent Walter Mazzarri that on the eve of the match against Parma, said: "Some appreciations are always nice, but I have no illusions, because I know that things can change. Only at the end of year reckoning. "Naples coach then stated:" I do not want to hear things that do not relate to the field. I will not be distracted: I think of our final ten. "

The interview did not like, however, to de Laurentiis that, in recent days, he shielded his coach. Mazzarri The question, however, is clear:" I might be exonerated if things do not go well, and the contract in some cases counts for little. So riparliamone end of the season. "

The phrase seems to express. Ed and 'reiterated upon specific request for clarification." I heard the words of De Laurentiis (' if Juventus dreams, Mazzarri has a contract with us, if you want to have to try it after 2016 '), but the president said' as long as long as there is mutual respect and trust ', it works well, there must be many things, " Tuscan said the coach.

Mazzarri Then he tried to clarify: "They are so experienced that since there is still a quarter of a league, at this moment I do not want to hear things that do not relate to the field. I will not be distracted, I just think the camp and missing the final 10. I do not think of something else, I also read the market, it is absurd, I guarantee that we will not be distracted by anything. "

have arrived then frasi importanti su Prandelli: "Lo ringrazio, per me è un grande uomo, e so che se ha detto certe cose su di me, sono vere, perché non ha fini faziosi. Sono parole al di sopra delle parti. Lui è arrivato per meriti alla Nazionale, perché ha fatto bene con i club", ha detto senza tralasciare una velata frecciata a qualche ex ct. Infine, una stilettata ai detrattori: "Io qualche volta protesto, non mi lamento. I 'detrattori associati' usano nei miei confronti un termine che non mi piace e che non mi appartiene".

Sport Mediaset

Friday, March 11, 2011

Long Dong John Silver

Lettera a una professoressa

"There are books (Pinocchio, Artusi, The Betrothed, Heart, The small mountain ...) that have made Italy. Others remain silent on the shelves, though not honored entering the country's cultural heritage : are the books that have made Italy (The Five Wounds of Holy Church of Rosmini, never implemented either by the institutional Church or the wider circle of believers Italian, or The Saint, Fogazzaro: great success here and abroad listed in the Index; ol'Antistoria of Italy's Trieste Cusin, intelligent critic of anthropology Italic, which the thugs of the league could also read with profit).
Other books, however, are hailed from the very first appearance, almost become the synecdoche for an entire lap of years, but remain largely misunderstood. For example, the writings of Basaglia, which was later blamed to be dead half the battle, while the structure reinterpreted in a way its never said "all free." But even the famous
Letter to a professor collective work of Don Milani and his students Barbiana , published in May 1967 (Don Milani died a month later), a few years after the reform of the unified school and compulsory up to age 14 (1963). That text was a flag of the student revolt of '68, so now deprecated, and inspired, in 1969, a performance activist Dario For The worker knows 300 words, the master 1000. For this he is the master . And then of course it refers to the infinite antipedagogiche teaching experience and publishing titles and dozens of universities and controcorsi employed, not always relevant with references to Illich and Freire, and with greater justification, pedagogy Mario Lodi, the great master of Piadena, that in those years was in Lower Lombardy a path similar to that of Don Milani Tuscan Apennines. Starring
emblematic of the book are John, the son of poor peasants regularly dismissed from school, and Peter, the boy bourgeois which paves the way for being rich, not so much and not just about money, especially because of what that money could give Italy in the Sixties: language, books, culture. The dichotomy is demagogic only in the first instance: a series of statistical tables compiled by the authors demonstrates how relentlessly the school then
was really a relief valve of social exclusion and working in one direction only.
The fact is that Don Milani, a Catholic priest of the family converted from Judaism, had chosen the only possible place for a Christian believer, the place occupied by the poor, to "those who do not possess" (Ranchetti).
Hence the apodictic simplicity of his words, no assumptions and dogmatic theology, born of a seemingly naive faith because without equipment exegetical reference.
Hence, also, the taste for writing collective, anti-individualistic, page built together with the boys, in the Middle Ages as an anonymous crowd but together build a cathedral. And the pages Letter to a professor are very well written, in prose that is spare, clear and clean, with words and phrases that you draw as well jump of stones thrown on still waters. But the choice of field of the poor comes the hard school of Barbiana. Very much permissiveness sessantottino!
All day, all days, Sundays included, because "the school will always be better than the shit" says a boy who washed up every day of the 36 cows of the master. Nothing
recreation. Instead of vacations, business trips and study abroad. Rigor and severity, not understanding the "needs of young people," luxury that only the privileged can afford. And since this is the school metalworkers' contract or the Second World War rather than the mythology or the snow flake flakes flakes ("When the school is small, the program made looking only to the urgent needs"). The basic culture must be alive and serve for life. Useless to the "Guardians of the wick off."
Then, over the years and the bureaucracy, the battle against failures to teach each and everyone to give strength and confidence in themselves because no one will feel a difference in society, we have moved to 6 political commitment and long-continued , which included even the praise of celibacy, we moved to a full-time often filled with emptiness.
That does not excuse the excesses of Mrs. Gelmini, who is certainly not inspired by the rigor of "cattocomunista" Don Milani (the worst of the worst!). And today, nell'americanizzazione forced and ahistorical, passed off as "modernization", the difference between Peter and John became institutionalized, not even most school of rich and poor, but the school (good, private or foreign) of the rich and the school (poor, state) of the poor. In a grim parody of Barbiana, the rejection of a sterile culture has become outright rejection of the culture: as the young shoots of the Po Valley, it is better to work and make money rather than spend time at school. And so the wealth it produces ignorance, or rather ignorance, which is worse. As Ticino Francis Church wrote, "Ignorance is a virgin land, often rich and deep. [...] This is the solid impenetrable incoltura sterility of the medium blade of pay to feed some grass. "" (By Gianandrea Piccioli, A Barbiana have risen the past, "Tuttolibri" "La Stampa", 12/03 / '11)

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The Chronicle of Brescia - Inter: 1-1

L'Inter si incaglia a Brescia: 1-1

Julio Cesar para un rigore a Caracciolo

L'Inter spreca tanto a Brescia e alla fine Julio Cesar la salva. Nell'anticipo della 29.a giornata di Serie A i nerazzurri non vanno oltre l'1-1 finale, rischiando di perdere altri punti dal Milan capolista. Fatali gli ultimi minuti dopo che Eto'o aveva portato avanti gli ospiti al 18'. Poi il doppio disastro di Cordoba: prima l'assist per il pari di Caracciolo al 39', quindi il fallo da rigore che, per su fortuna, l'Airone si fa parare allo scadere.


Obiettivo andare a -2 dal Milan. Almeno per due notti l'Inter vuole far feel their breath on your neck without thinking of the Rossoneri at Bayern Monaco, who is there at the door. To do this, though, there's the obstacle to be overcome Brescia. Not to be underestimated when you think of going 1-1 and the fact that the Lombards are coming from three draws, the last one in the field of Naples. It is certainly not an opponent to shield, said its president Corioni talking of the wrongs suffered arbitration, but it is better to avoid surprises at this point of the season could prove fatal. That the team will not Iachini gifts you can tell in the opening, with the Azzurri as hazardous Zebina, Diamonds and Caracciolo in the first ten minutes.

It's no illusion too much, though, because Inter takes control of the match, carried away by gusts of Maicon and percussion Pandev and Sneijder. A score, then, we think the usual Eto'o, deflecting in a corner extended network by Frogley. And 'the beginning of a phase in which the Nerazzurri controlled the match without any major problems, demonstrating a good physical condition. Only in the final time they pull your breath and allow a bit 'of space to adversaries, that send chills to Julio Cesar with a lob by Caracciolo half. Before the end there is time for a nice close up Zebina launched Pandev goal.

The second half started with Brescia still holding his head down on the qui vive Interaction with the usual Caracciolo. The match, however, could close immediately if the shot did not go to Sneijder hit the post. But it is only the beginning because then a succession of occasions, protests and parades, with the team of Leonardo wasting too much. And in the end he is punished because of Cordoba. Upon entering the field, provides the Colombian head of the feature, allowing the Caracciolo of a match and not content with pushing Eder launched a network: Rocchi foul penalty, despite some doubt, with direct red. But Julio Cesar from the spot is to open its wings, parrying the shot dell'Airone. That soon after he gets his second yellow card of the evening and leave the field prematurely.

In short, the whole passage from -2 to -8 potential within a few minutes and eventually a point that threatens to tear them out of title fight if the cousins \u200b\u200bhad to beat Bari, reaching +7. Despite the positive result, recriminations Brescia also had the great opportunity, and also for the fact that against Juve will be without a Zebina, Caracciolo and Hetemaj.

report cards

Zebina 6 At the end the man is unhappy because staff will miss the rematch with his Juve. Where someone misses
Kone 6.5 Thorn in his side's importance, is the good and the bad weather between the giants of the midfield
Caracciolo 6 Mark, you missed a penalty and also eject. An exciting evening for the Herons, who at the climax does not fly off Julio Cesar
8 Who says that you play the role of best goalkeeper in the world is wrong with Buffon. And 'he is the real number one
Cordoba 4 Put it this way: it was not his day. Because it combines so many that even a boy of Spring 6.5
Eto'o Gol number 31 in 39 games and enjoy a seasonal Nagatomo. Class, lungs and heart


BRESCIA-Inter 1-1 Brescia (3-5-2): Arcari 7; Zebina 6, Bega 6, Zoboli 6; Zambelli 6 (16' st Eder 6,5), Kone 6,5, Vass 5,5 (38' st Lanzafame 6), Hetemaj 5,5, Berardi 6 (25' Daprelà 5); Diamanti 6, Caracciolo 6. A disposizione: Sereni, Mareco, Baiocco, Possanzini. All.: Iachini 6,5
Inter (4-2-3-1): Julio Cesar 8; Maicon 6,5, Lucio 6 (20' st Cordoba 4), Ranocchia 6, Nagatomo 6 (33' st Materazzi 5,5); Zanetti 6, Stankovic 6,5; Pandev 6, Sneijder 6, Eto'o 6,5; Pazzini 5 (25' st Kharja 5,5). A disposizione: Castellazzi, Obi, Mariga, Coutinho. All.: Leonardo 5
Arbitro: Rocchi
Marcatori: 18' Eto'o (I), 39' st Caracciolo (B)
Ammoniti: Daprelà, Zebina, Kone, Hetemaj (B), Maicon (I)
Expelled: Cordoba (I), Caracciolo (B)
Notes: 45 'st Julio Cesar para a penalty Caracciolo

Sport Mediaset

Leonardo: "The enthusiasm does not change, it is long"

Inter draw shield and the train departs. Leonardo, Inter coach, to analyze the Sky Sports 1-1 to Brescia this as gathered from "I think we had many chances, surely the result could be different. We knew the excellent defensive qualities of Brescia, which shares with quality people like Caracciolo and Diamond, two strong external e un centrocampo dinamico. Il primo tempo è stato impeccabile, come lo volevamo, nel secondo tempo invece c'è stato il rovesciamento di fronte. Pandev? Le occasioni le abbiamo create, anche con Sneijder o Kharja alla fine, le palle gol sono state create, poi c'era Eto'o che ha fatto un lavoro incredibile. Abbiamo gestito sempre bene tutta la partita, poi il gol su corner ha rivoluzionato la gara. I pareggi non ci piacciono tanto - dice sorridendo -, sicuramente abbiamo creato moltissime occasioni ma non faccio drammi, vedo undici vittorie, un pareggio e due sconfitte. Questa squadra c'è, il Brescia poi ultimamente sta facendo ottimi risultati e io sono soddisfatto della gara dei miei.

Non è stancante AC Milan chasing, we think of a game after another, do not say so to say. Making major series of results is difficult in Italy, we had a consistent but extraordinary can happen between now and the end of many things, the enthusiasm of this team which has done great things do not change. My moves? Lucio had a problem, you had to go out and entered Ivan. Nagatomo instead is pushing a lot, I put Cordoba Materazzi left to not overdo it in drive. I do not know if Lucio is likely to Monaco, we value your time tomorrow, though it was a double move required. Pandev? I really liked, then did not make goal on two occasions but that's okay, go ahead, has grown so much in recent games and for me it made a great race. Goran moved very well, creating much. Zanetti on the left is a solution that can give more freedom to play Stankovic - Leo continues - in fact Dejan helped us a lot there. I did not want to pull the team back, we started very offensive and the tendency was to move forward, then there were injuries. On the corner there is a problem in the first half only once there was an error 'initial', but nothing more. "

Nagatomo," earthquake, fear

Yuto Nagatomo, Inter-back, is disappointed with the draw today and visibly sad for the terrible earthquake that hit its Japan. Here are his words to Inter Channel gathered: "I'm not out for physical, but only for tactical reasons. I thank you all for your messages of support for the earthquake theme, I really appreciate it. We are terrified, but the family is well. As for the draw today, are bitter, but get along. "

Iachini: "What a pity"

Beppe Iachini, Brescia coach, speaking on Sky is exposed on the balance of his men against Inter Milan by Leonardo, "The goal for Inter was used more meanness in the marking - highlights - \u200b\u200bbut There is regret for the strictness of Caracciolo. I'd say a bit 'of sorrow there, today face Inter Milan is the strongest in Italy and Europe and worldwide, we made the game better was needed, the team was always attentive and good at again. In the second half, with the three points we risked something from beginning to end has also tried to win it, too bad, those two points above could be very important. The rigor required for hand ball by Nagatomo? Sometimes we have been singing against in such situations, but the timing of the referee. "

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Ficcadenti "Juve, despite great team the difficulty

"Juventus is a difficult time but it is a great team, we need to be aggressive to make up for the technical difference." Massimo Ficcadenti has so Juventus, his next opponent Cesena, at a press conference held at the race Saturday night vigilai

"We are fine - still the coach of Romagna, as reported by the official website - \u200b\u200bIn the last two games we have won two major victories and we are in the fight salvation. There will be convened Dal Bello, Sammarco and Budan because they are not yet at its best. This week we worked well, it is clear that we face a team that despite being in need is strong. "

"If we want to score points with Juve - Ficcandenti concludes - we know that we play to the limit of our ability, so we just hope. Saturday around the stadium is full, this is positive and it's always nice to everyone. "

I called the Cesena

As reported by the official website of Cesena, Massimo Ficcadenti has invited 19 players for the race on Saturday night against Juventus. This
the full list:

GOALKEEPERS: 1 Antonioli 33 Calderoni

DEFENDERS: 3 Pellegrino Lauro 6 15 25 Benalouane Von Bergen Dellafiore 29 46 77 Ceccarelli

Santon Midfielders: 4 8 Appiah Caserta Colucci 14 18 44 Parolo Piangerelli

Forwards: 10 Jimenez 17 Malonga Giaccherini 23 70 84 Bogdani Rosina

The Cesena has a structure almost unchangeable, with 10 players who have collected at least three quarters of admissions. The veteran is Francesco Antonioli, only to have competed in all 28 meetings proposed by the league. Behind him are the defender Von Bergen, midfielders and striker Bogdani Giaccherini and Parolo, all at an altitude of 27. The

Cesena has so far been expelled 4: Pellegrino, Von Bergen, Giaccherini and Colucci, leader of the yellow cards with 10 amminizioni.

striker Erjon Bogdani the team with 6 centers, followed by Jimenez 5, Giaccherini with 4, word 3, and Ceccarelli, Colucci, Rosina and Sammarco 1.

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The threat: "I leave out Casillas"

the eve of the championship match between Real Madrid and Hercules, Jose Mourinho reopens the controversy with top of La Liga, "Someone wants the league to finish first and I am ready to satisfy him: in the derby with Atletico Casillas will stand out." A move dictated by the next derby on Saturday: "The play just three days after the Champions League to Barcelona grant instead of playing on Tuesday and then on the Sunday after."

the basis of the discontented Spaniards José Mourinho is suspected favoritism towards Barcelona. Guardiola's team, which has an encouraging +10 in the standings, also has on its calendar. It is not the first time that Mourinho calls on the issue. "If we lose another point, adios. I'm not a fool, if it increases the gap is over. If a team (Barcelona, \u200b\u200bed) plays on Tuesday and then another takes the field Sunday and Wednesday and Saturday (the Real , ed), we can not say that we are struggling with the same rules. " The merengues play the derby with Atletico Saturday, March 18, just 72 hours away from the appointment of the Champions League with Lyon.

La cosa dà fastidio a Mourinho, che così sceglie la via della provocazione: "Qualcuno vuol far finire la Liga in anticipo, stavolta gli darò una mano io. Anziché giocare con l'Atletico ce ne stiamo a casa, oppure ci presentiamo allo stadio alle 18 o alle 19 per giocare alle 20. Oppure facciamo che il ritiro pre-partita è opzionale e se a Iker Casillas non va di farlo, non viene. Anzi, nemmeno lo convoco, perché se vogliono far finire il campionato prima del tempo, ci metto pure del mio per aiutarli". In questo modo Forlan e Aguero avranno vita facile e il Barcellona potrà allontanarsi in classifica. Senza i presunti favori arbitrali che l'hanno accompagnata in Champions (l'espulsione di Van Persie, ndr).

Already, a subject very dear to Mou but which still prefers not to speak: "I can not discuss the arbitrage Barça. When I criticize someone, I have to apologize now in front of the committee of arbitrators, to the anti-violence .. .. " Mou-style bar. Nothing new.

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Martinez called for the two friendlies in late March

Washigton Oscar Tabarez, Uruguay coach has released the squad for the friendlies against Estonia on March 25 at Le Coq Arena "by Tallinn on March 29 and Ireland in Dublin. Among those called to check the name of Jorge Martinez, 12 million that Mr. tanto sta deludendo nella Juventus. Tra gli altri "italiani" anche Diego Polenta, 19 anni, difensore del Genoa, Fernando Muslera e Álvaro González della Lazio, Diego Pérez e Gastón Ramírez del Bologna, Walter Gargano e Edinson Cavani del Napoli.
Portieri: Fernando Muslera (Lazio) e Juan Castillo (Colo Colo). Difensori: Diego Lugano (Fenerbahce), Diego Godín (Atlético Madrid), Andrés Scotti (Colo Colo), Mauricio Victorino (Cruzeiro), Jorge Fucile (Porto), Martín Cáceres (Siviglia), Diego Polenta (Genoa) e Maximiliano Pereira (Benfica).
Centrocampisti: Álvaro Pereira (Porto), Diego Pérez (Bologna), Sebastian Eguren (Sporting Gijon), Gastón Ramírez (Bologna), Egidio Arevalo Rios (Botafogo), Álvaro González (Lazio), Walter Gargano (Napoli), Jorge Martínez (Juventus) and Cristian Rodríguez (Porto).
Forwards: Luis Suarez (Liverpool), Diego Forlán (Atlético Madrid), Edinson Cavani (Napoli), Sebastian Abreu (Botafogo), Abel Hernández (Palermo) and Sebastián Fernández (Málaga).


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Del Uruguay Blacks: "In Cesena the first of 10 final '

"From now on, are all final," is a phrase often in football is abused. Luigi Del Blacks, however, the decision in a time when we can not doubt the importance of the concept expressed. On the eve of the match against Cesena, technical input is clear: "We want to reverse the trend of recent races and I hope to see a team with the right mentality. We have to play football, without being influenced by pressure, but fielding aggression and concentration. "

The Cesena comes from two consecutive victories and will not be an adversary "soft" to be faced: "It 's a team dynamic and healthy. We are aware that we will be prohibited wrong "insists Del Blacks, which confirms that it has already head of training which will address the Romagna: "If Del Piero will play? Serves as ... I have already chosen who will take the field and the players know it, but did not advance to you, "he says to journalists.

The Juventus coach, after defeats against Bologna and Lecce Milan, was questioned by critics, but has not lost serenity, "This attitude is part of the game. Here you live in an environment where a victory and normal, but a defeat is strange, even worse, two, three do not talk about ... I do feel the confidence of society in which there is great mutual respect. Even yesterday we were lunch with the president and the position of leadership to me is not changed. They are peaceful, although of course I'm sorry for this difficult time, and determined to bring the team to important results. We probably spent a lot on the psychological level against Inter and we paid for this. But I think my team has the structure to fight at good levels, and has proven in more than a game. "

Juve, 20, invited to Cesena

After training, finishing, Mr. Del has released the list of Blacks squad for the match on Saturday night against Cesena. Regularly available to Andrea Barzagli, Simone also return to list Pepe che aveva saltato per squalifica la gara contro il Milan.

In tutto sono 20 i giocatori convocati. Questo l’elenco completo:

1 Buffon
2 Motta
3 Chiellini
8 Marchisio
9 Iaquinta
10 Del Piero
13 Manninger
14 Aquilani
15 Barzagli
17 Traoré
19 Bonucci
21 Grygera
23 Pepe
25 Martinez
27 Krasic
30 Storari
32 Matri
35 Buchel
40 Spinazzola
43 Sorensen

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Borozan on Krasic:" That's why he drop "

Abbiamo intervistato l'agente di Milos Krasic, colui che pareva dover interpretare the role of the driver of Delneri Juve, but which has been sucked into the time of the disaster team Juventus. In the words of Vlado Borozan in relation to current psychological moment of his client: "The boy, with whom I spoke the day before yesterday is upset and sorry for what's going on with Juventus, he wants to do everything to help the team. I feel a responsibility and wants to give more. The problem is that the pressure is physiological and logic, then we should not think he can do all by itself: it was unthinkable that he could keep the same pace for the whole championship. The decline was physical and athletics and we are all seen that does not stop for a year because of different dates of the championship Russian. In any case, the guy is not going to make excuses, just want to recover as soon as possible. "
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" There's a lot of movement on Stefan Savic Partizan Belgrade (it seems that Fiorentina We're doing more than a little thought note), is a class that will certainly be a man '91 market, it can be convenient to medium-high ranking of several teams, but it is a major player costs. "

Del Piero on Facebook: "Near the Japanese people"

A message in three languages, Italian, Japanese and English, on the personal page on Facebook. Alessandro Del Piero Just wanted to show their solidarity with Japan, the victim of a massive earthquake and a tsunami striking. "I know Japan and for many reasons are tied to that country and its inhabitants, who have always shown great affection. What happened today I was very impressed, I am close to the Japanese people and those who are suffering at this time." A tragedy that is touching everyone and which reminds us that there are issues more important than football.


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Sammarco, Budan Felipe jump Juve

Bad news for Cesena, who will face tomorrow night against Juventus in the delicate challenge the Dino Manuzzi. The coach of Juventus Romagna Ficcadenti, will have to give up several key players such as midfielder and striker Budan Sammarco, who yesterday did not attend the match, and are therefore considered to be officially out of action in view of the match with Juventus. The Brazilian defender Felipe will not match, since it has been working separately. However, it could recover Colucci, who like the other three did not take part in the match, but it seems fully recovered ahead of tomorrow's match, which is crucial for the ranking of both teams.


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The Netherlands ready to leave Bayern

The news, if confirmed in the coming months by the facts, the good is to raise a big fuss. Arjen Robben is ready to leave at the end of the season Bayern Monaco and AC Milan is trying to convince to come forward. The rumor is reported by Corriere dello Sport, that the strong Dutch would be in touch with his friend Van Bommel who, in turn, should act as an intermediary between Robben and AC Milan.

In particular, the outer Dutch would not accept a season without Champions and would put it right to achieve this goal as a benchmark for the future. If Bayern, in short, should not be among the largest in Europe (currently fifth in the Bundesliga, then out of the Champions, ed), Robben would request the transfer and, to be more precise, they should be sold to AC Milan.

said the will of the player, it remains to understand what is then really the room for negotiation. Robben, obviously, it costs a lot and it is said that the Rossoneri are prepared at a major investment in the next summer. On the other hand, the Dutchman is without doubt one of the strongest players in circulation as a sponsor and would even Ibrahimovic, Van Bommel ready to support the call for a sacrifice society. These two pieces - like Milan Arjen and support from the Rossoneri players - only then would miss the most important: the actual contact between Galliani and the leadership of Bavaria. In the coming months will enter and live in the Via Turati club will try to test the ground without a doubt. After that we'll see. Meanwhile, if Robben's called, it is up to Milan to answer.

Sport Mediaset

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Almost done for the outside of Lyon

Juventus play in advance and try to put the muzzle on the market rushing Michel Fernandes Bastos for the times. Beppe Marotta was in fact already opened an important contact with Emmanuel de Kercohve agent from outside Brazil, and it would be a step in the agreement with the player. With the Lyons, owner of the card Bastos, the cartel is already there for some time. The Brazilian should therefore be the first reinforcement white.

In practice, it lacks that some details - length of contract and engagement - but the arrival there would be a few feet. Bastos would fill the gap of the Lady on the left wing and is undoubtedly an important purchase. The Brazilian has been and is in fact long been targeted by top European clubs, not unreasonably, consider him one of the best fullbacks in circulation. Lyon, therefore, has long been resigned to an assignment made prior to breathe in the corporate coffers.

If Bastos should arrive, Gigi Buffon is expected to remain. This, at least, is what continues to support both the player and his agent. The question, however, is far from resolved because the Juventus goalkeeper not yet clear ideas and evaluate, even in the next market session, any offers from abroad. Gigi, as noted, in England still like a lot. Besides Buffon, the Juventus will have to work - and many more - on the purchase. Aquilani to, for example, pare complicato dato che il Liverpool non ha alcuna intenzione di abbassare le pretese e tiene alto il prezzo del cartellino del centrocampista.

Sport Mediaset

Spalletti: "Resto, niente Juve"

"Resto qui, non vado alla Juve". Poche, ma chiare parole quelle pronunciate da Luciano Spalletti dopo il ko subito in Europa League contro il Twente. Così il tecnico italiano, come si legge su La Gazzetta dello Sport, ha dichiarato in conferenza stampa per rassicurare i dirigenti russi preoccupati da un suo eventuale addio per far ritorno in Italia.

Juve, Ribery in bianconero if Bayern does not go in the Champions League?

In recent weeks the word was more turn to the next market has been one of Juve: quality. That quality should be represented, in the intentions of the President and the Agnelli dg Marotta, from the assignment of at least three samples that can raise the technical rate of the team, and take it, if possible, the level of that of AC Milan and Inter, which At the moment, seem light years away from the club. One of the three samples that may arrive in Turin is Frank Ribery, Bayern's offensive outside Monaco and the French National Assembly. The 27-year-old champion Juventus trans like to at least a couple of seasons, ma adesso il club tedesco potrebbe cederlo in caso di mancata qualificazione alla prossima edizione della Champions League. Ribery è valutato attorno ai 35 milioni di euro, cifra molto alta, ma non è da escludere che la Juve possa provare a piazzare il colpo per avere in rosa un campione dal sicuro rendimento. Un ostacolo alla trattativa, oltre alle richieste economiche del Bayern, è costituito anche dalle molte squadre interessate al giocatore: Inter, Chelsea, Manchester United e Real Madrid, lo accoglierebbero a braccia aperte.

Stampa inglese: il Manchester United ha pronta l'offerta per Buffon

Gigi Buffon, portierone della Juve and national, could leave Turin at the end of the season to move to England, specifically Manchester United. These, at least, the rumors are coming from the press' s oltermanica. According to ", Alex Ferguson, manager of English club, it would prompt an offer of about 17 million pounds, equal to € 20 million to convince Juventus to sell Buffon, goal number one of the" Red Devils "after Edwin Van der Saar has rejected the proposal to keep playing one more season, confirming his retirement from racing at the end of the championship. Alternatives to Buffon are Julio Cesar, Inter goalkeeper, German Neuer and Pepe Reina English.

Giovinco to Naples in exchange for the redemption of Quagliarella

rumors in the last few hours they would like the playmaker Sebastian Giovinco of Juventus, with Pama on loan to the right of redemption of half of the card in favor of the ducal in the sights of Naples, they would come up with an idea to leaders Juventus to save precious euro for the next market. Marotta, as is known, will be busy in June in many market transactions relating to the redemption of the players arrived on loan this summer, as Aquilani, Pepe, Quagliarella Matri, and Giovinco might just be the key to getting a big discount the figure Juve will pay to redeem the attacker to Naples in Campania, which had done very well in the first half of the season, before seriously injured in the match against Parma last January 6. The only obstacle to the success of this negotiation is the Parma, that should remain in Serie A, would have every intention to exercise his right of redemption against Giovinco, thus complicating the marketing strategies of Juve.

Juve, Fiorentina for Martinez is

could end after just one season's experience Jorge Martinez in black and white. The Uruguayan player, this year Juventus from Catania, deeply disappointed over this season, partly because of many physical setbacks that prevented him from finding a good run of form, and could end up on the market. According to the portal 4 - 4 -, the "Malaka" would come under fire for Fiorentina, which would draw from the Bianconeri at the express request of coach Sinisa Mihaijlovic viola, who has already coached the player in Catania, and he has for large estimation . That Florence could become the ideal marketplace for Martinez for the revival? We'll find out in the coming months, when the transfers come in earnest.

Juve, Storari way here all the conditions

Marco Storari away from Juventus. The goalkeeper, the former AC Milan and Fiorentina, will leave Vinovo to find a new arrangement during the summer. Storari no longer willing to accept the bench, but the real issue is who receives the assignment in black and white: 1.4 million euro net per season. Only AC Milan and Inter could afford such a figure, although it is difficult to think of it, and then also open a foreign track, where it has been in Spain and did very well, but also Germany and England.


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F1: KUBICA STILL under the knife

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Una quarta operazione attende il Robert Kubica, rimasto gravemente ferito il 6 febbraio durante il rally di Andora. Il pilota della Renault sarà operato sabato al gomito da un'equipe medica specializzata. L'obiettivo dell'intervento è quello di permettere la ripresa della piena funzionalità dell'arto destro gravemente lesionato nell'impatto con il guardrail. Kubica è tutt'ora ricoverato nell'Unità spinale dell'ospedale Santa Corona di Pietra Ligure.

Il pilota polacco è già stato operato alla mano, alla gamba e anche al gomito, ma i medici hanno programmato il nuovo intervento proprio per garantire un miglior recupero della mobilità articolare. Lo stesso Dr. Ceccarelli, Renault team doctor, had already expressed its satisfaction with the psycho-physical recovery of Kubica, but stressing the impossibility of predicting the timing of full recovery, given the seriousness of the injuries to the pilot.

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ko City 2-0 in Kiev, Spalletti collapses

Shevchenko still hurts to Mancini. In the going of the second round of Champions League, the former AC Milan opened the scoring in the 2-0 Dynamo Kiev in the City. Balotelli replaced by an allergy. Collapse of the zenith of Spalletti, who lost 3-0 in Holland from Twente (double Landzaat and De Jong). Villarreal coup in Leverkusen, signed by Giuseppe Rossi and Nilmar, came on in place of blue and scored twice in the final 3-2 on Bayer.

For Shevchenko is the 67th European seal. Gusev doubling of Dynamo Kiev. Worth noting is the input delay Balotelli in the field in the second half when the game had already started (!). SuperMario, the victim of an allergy which caused him to inflate his face, was replaced after 15 ', Tevez in his place.

In other matches, the Port of Villas Boas storm the field of CSKA Moscow, with its network of Guarin to 71 '. Home win in comeback del Benfica sul Paris Saint Germain: i francesi passano in vantaggio al 15' con Luyindula e poi sfiorano in diverse occasioni il raddoppio prima dell'1-1 firmato da Maxi Pereira al 42'. Jara all'83' regala il successo ai portoghesi. Il Liverpool cade a Braga contro lo Sporting: decide Alan su rigore al 18'. Spartak Mosca corsaro ad Amsterdam: Alex al 58' stende l'Ajax. Pareggio senza reti tra Psv Eindhoven e Rangers. le gare di ritorno sono in programma giovedì 17 marzo.

Sport Mediaset

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Biblioteca Ambrosiana: parte la riforma digitale

"Browsing history on the Internet. Seneca and Piero della Francesca, Petrarch and Boccaccio, Machiavelli and Galileo." On the one hand, we must keep sensitive documents, save them from decay. On the other hand we want to make this treasure accessible to the public, according to the intent of Borromeo. "The solution to the" paradox "of the Biblioteca Ambrosiana is a formula technological precision photos, virtual collections, catalogs on the Web The Venerable initiated the digitization of its enormous heritage of literary history: more than 36 thousand manuscripts, in ten years, will be published on the Web and shared platforms international.
The project is called on, which stands for Digital Ambrosiana on the Internet. But it also has a cost, € 500 000, funded half by the Cariplo Foundation. And the rest? "We need a sponsor - said the Venerable -. We hope that the 'appeal is upheld. " The library opened in 1609 by Cardinal Federico Borromeo, looted by Napoleon, a jewel from the envy of the world, ventures into an art of 'promotion of culture' and 'dissemination of knowledge. " Says Monsignor Franco Buzzi, the prefect of the institution, that "the results will be incalculable if we have patience and good will." The ambition is to found a wikipedia of the Venerable, because scientific information will be checked by the college of doctors: "We want to show a unique heritage," says the president of the Ambrosiana, Monsignor John Zappa. On Monday, the site of the Library, will be available the first 115 000 digital pages of the collection Trotti and manuscripts in Arabic. The catalog will be updated progressively, and access will remain free until December and will pay in 2012 copies, thanks to an agreement with De Agostini, will be downloaded and purchased. "Supporting the culture at this stage, it is a brave choice," recalls Romano Negri (Cariplo). Courageous and necessary: \u200b\u200b"Without the private sector - said Monsignor Zappa - We are not standing. " The Risorgimento technology began in 2009 with the digitization of the paintings (The Basket of Caravaggio, the Musician of Leonardo, the 'Adoration Titian), goes through the bet on the Atlantic Code of Leonardo and now invests manuscripts. In the future we are: a library center, digital versions of prints and incunabula, and a commitment to weave alliances virtuous that put on the stage of world 's cultural heritage that makes Milan, Milan. "(From Armando Stella, Biblioteca Ambrosiana: digital reform party," Corriere della Sera ", 05/03 / '11)

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Cellino: "Ora serve un traghettatore"

Maurizio Beretta non sarà più il presidente della Lega Calcio. Lo ha annunciato il presidente del Cagliari, Massimo Cellino: "Beretta ha annunciato di avere accettato l'incarico per Unicredit, quindi ora dobbiamo trovare un traghettatore che guidi la Lega di Serie A fino al 30 giugno''. Beretta è in carica dall'1 luglio scorso. "Serve subito uno che conosca bene la Lega - ha spiegato Cellino -, in estate invece faremo una scelta più ponderata".

In attesa di conoscere dal diretto interessato la decisione di lasciare la Lega, Cellino ha anche svelato un piccolo retroscena: "Beretta ci ha anche dato disponibilità di svolgere il doppio incarico, ma è un grosso sacrificio, quindi preferiamo che si dedichi al suo nuovo lavoro". There are already possible names for the ferryman: "It would take someone like Simon (Chairman of the Board of Auditors, ed.) I think next week we will vote for him, then we will make a firm league weighted choice for a new president.''

Carraro? In the morning the same Cellino had expressed some reservations: "Carrara that I could not speak well, but look a little 'ahead. The point is that we have a new league looking to the future. If our skill of entrepreneurs is to propose names of ten or thirty years ago, while big names, it means that we lack ideas and this is a problem.''


The charge: improper behavior

As widely expected the Uefa has opened disciplinary investigation on the elbow by Daniele De Rossi Dario Srna in Shakhtar Donetsk Roma-, eighth Return of the Champions League. The Giallorossi midfielder is accused of "inappropriate behavior", as reported by the Uefa meeting in Nyon. The specification will rule on the case next Thursday, March 17.

Francesco Totti spoke in defense of his teammate: "I am close to Daniel in this difficult time - says the message sent by the master della Roma - Sono passato anche io in situazioni come queste, ma sono sicuro che lui è il primo a sapere di aver sbagliato e saprà come uscirne".

Il numero dieci giallorosso invita anche i tifosi a non puntare il dito contro il centrocampista: "Si soffre ancora di più quando si vuole dare il contributo alla squadra, ma i risultati non arrivano. La passione e l'amore con cui indossa la maglia non dovrebbero mai essere messe in discussione".

Sport Mediaset

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"Mi auguro si arrivi a una fine"

Leonardo e l'Inter si preparano all'anticipo di Brescia, nuova tappa della rincorsa al Milan e allo scudetto. Ma in casa nerazzurra, tiene banco la convocazione del presidente Moratti in Figc per le vicende di Calciopoli: "Quello che succede da' fastidio a tutti - ha commentato Leonardo - spero si arrivi alla fine e si ricominci con l'idea di un calcio come competizione sana e fatta di passioni. Si parla troppo di questo argomento".

Meglio parlare di calcio, e del Brescia, allora. "Il Brescia puo' giocare in tanti modi, non ha molti punti di riferimento e puo' giocare in modi diversi. Hanno un riferimento forte in avanti con uomini che gli girano intorno. E' una squadra che ha tante risorse e non sono un caso i risultati ottenuti soprattutto fuori casa. Anche in casa hanno dimostrato costanza e questo fa pensare ad una gara molto difficile per noi. Sono tutte gare difficili e importanti. Oggi poche squadre riescono a giocare per tutti i 90 minuti con la stessa intensita' e con la stessa forza per attaccare, forse solo il Barcellona ci riesce. L'importante e' che questi cali all'interno della partita non siamo determinanti. L'approccio alla gara e' sempre molto importante, come allo stesso tempo lo e' avere una reazione se le cose non si mettono benissimo". Una squadra da non sottovalutare, insomma, per continuare rincorsa al Milan. "Il Brescia sta facendo bene a prescindere. Le parole di Corioni? Sta facendo bene e puo' avere grandi ambizioni". Al "Rigamonti" marcheranno visita Chivu, Cambiasso and Thiago Motta. "Absences? We also have alternatives such as gaming system and of men. Having absences and 'normal with a lot of matches. It' s not a matter of general management, but to manage the time to each player. For us, tomorrow and 'fundamental move forward in the league, we need to do it. "

Topics also fresh elimination of AC Milan in the Champions League, which turns off the "win all" proclaimed by Ibrahimovic early in the season. The Nerazzurri, however, believe that they can achieve another miracle. "All the great players and great teams start to win all competitions, the desire to repeat and Inter 'huge win and then' other speech, ma noi dobbiamo pensare a partita dopo partita, che e' l'unica cosa che ci porta al risultato finale. Ogni partita e' importante perche' vincere cambia il risveglio del giorno dopo e fa andare avanti, dopo un successo vai avanti con uno spirito che da' ottimismo. La gara con il Brescia ha alla base una motivazione altissima e questo e' un segnale che da' gia' una risposta".

Un accenno a un singolo, Pandev: "Sono molto felice. Cio' che conta per lui e' essere tornato disponibile al massimo della forma e non era affatto facile. Goran ha avuto una grande reazione, basata innanzitutto sulla sua grande umilta': si e' messo in gioco, mi ha ascoltato, ha svolto ogni tipo di allenamento e la risposta si e' vista, and 'ground state in two games. "

" Mazzarri to Juve? ONLY IN 2016 "

De Laurentiis:" Not now, it is sealed "

De Laurentiis is there, and replication. The combination of Mazzarri to Juventus has not gone down to the president of the Naples "Juve if they stay at home. Mazzarri is armored for three years, in addition to this that must end. In 2016 he speaks. "The number one ranking back on Naples 'no please':" I took inspiration from newspapers and understood that Italy football runs in two ways. The press also gives space only to large, it is incorrect. "

intercepted in front of the headquarters of the Football League, the president of Naples has been awarded to the most pressing issues of the day. For example the alleged favors to big: "I made an argument on certain statements that I feel messing around - said De Laurentiis -. I quoted a ranking made by the newspapers to the effect that Napoli and Palermo were to occupy different positions and more profitable than real. " The measure is not completely filled. The President of Blue, in fact, distributes responsibilities:''It speaks only of two to three teams, most of the pages in the newspapers or television spaces are assigned to three teams than ever, that the second I was wrong. "

Napoli has returned from a great season, which will be regarded as such even in Europe League with the qualification:" The Naples in 2004 did not exist, this is not written anywhere that we now we have to fight for everything as the other two (the Milanese, ed.) My team will do their duty even improving the position last year: we just finished fifth. "

items on Mazzarri, as mentioned, do not let you indifferent:" What I find much that is sordid you take it for granted that everything is sold and all comparable results. Mazzarri is not on the market. The day that I should say that no good more for the Napoli has been lost because of our mutual respect and our willingness to work together, then it will be on the market. So Juve stay home if Mazzarri wants in 2016 is free.

Sport Mediaset

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Elkann and Agnelli Vinovo

A journey through the future and present of Juventus has passed so morning John Elkann and Andrea Agnelli.

The future is the new stadium, the two cousins \u200b\u200bwere visiting the site, walking in the stands and trampling on what will become the land on which, from next season, will play Juventus .

This is Vinovo, fatigue and concentration of training for the upcoming game: Elkann and Agnelli arrived at Juventus after training Center, met with the team and he stopped to eat with the players and the technical staff.

A real "family dinner" which, two days before the match against Cesena has nurtured not only the physical but also the morale and spirit of the Bianconeri.

Toni skips Cesena

Luca Toni will be unavailable for the trip to Cesena. The terms of the left ankle - bruised during the last championship match against AC Milan - have gradually improved, but the striker will not recover before the challenge on Saturday night.

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Juve: It stops the advance of Barzagli

Next to last training session this morning before leaving for Juventus for Cesena, scheduled for tomorrow afternoon after finishing.

During the team meeting today, after heating and part athletics, has worked extensively with the ball: first supported a challenge for handball, and a practice match against 9 to 9 and reduced the field undefended ports Finally another sfida, questa volta con i portieri. Prima dell’ultima partitella si è fermato Andrea Barzagli, rientrato negli spogliatoi a scopo precauzionale, dopo aver accusato un leggero fastidio muscolare. Domani verranno valutate le sue condizioni.

In gruppo è tornato Marchisio, che ieri era rimasto in palestra per smaltire i postumi di una contusione al piede, mentre Toni, Grosso e De Ceglie hanno lavorato a parte, proseguendo nei rispettivi programmi di recupero.

Domani, vigilia della sfida contro il Cesena, mister Del Neri terrà la consueta conferenza stampa pre-partita. L’appuntamento con i giornalisti è fissato per le 13.30 presso il Media Center di Vinovo.

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Manuzzi to open Bergonzi

Mauro Bergonzi di Genova will be the referee on Saturday night will direct Cesena-Juventus. The whistle is the Ligurian Del Blacks squad for the third time this season after the 0-4 in Udine and 1-1 with Chievo Verona. In total, the previous nine with a budget of six wins, one draw and two defeats.

Al Manuzzi Bergonzi will be supported by assistants and Elena Di Luca Liberatore Maggiani. The fourth man is Daniel Orsato.

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Mancini to Juve, "It Could Happen"

coach of Manchester City, Roberto Mancini, opening up a resounding possible transfer to Juventus, "Leonardo Inter? I did not expect that to go, is doing well - said during the program's Premium Football" Champions League Live "-. Now the coach can go to any team, one year after year can train Inter, Juventus and the same goes for me," the significant words of Mancini, taken by the Gazzetta dello Sport. An opening indirect, but still an opening.

Juve, Borriello at Juventus a year later?

The adventure of Marco Borriello to Rome seems to come to an end. The former AC Milan player, who arrived in Trigoria this summer, was never fully set in the club giallorosso: first the constant bickering with former coach Claudio Ranieri, then the curtain tied to the role of the team's penalty taker, culminating in the removal of Pizarro spot-kick to his companion during the Champions League match played against the Ukrainians of Shakti, with a lot of error, which has infuriated the leadership of the team literally Capitoline. As reported by Calciomercatonews, Borriello almost certainly will leave Rome at the end of the season, and Juventus could return to the office after having been close to his engagement before the attacker passed to the Giallorossi. Borriello is currently on loan from Milan to Rome, which set the asking price of the card at 10 million euro, a figure that likely would be asked to Juve in negotiations.

Martina: "Buffon? Stay at Juve, safe

" The future of Buffon? Gianluigi will stay at Juventus, I guarantee. " So says Silvano Martina, procurator of the Juventus goalkeeper. After Buffon's own words and then get a further confirmation about his future in Turin. To close the circle, now only lacks the seal of lamb Marotta.


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Matri: "We must unlock"

three matches without scoring a striker Alessandro Matri want to take off and weigh the burden off me. His last network, the one against Inter, as well as all was the last of Juventus and his return to scoring was therefore all the more precious for the Bianconeri: "A positive result would help us to unlock - confirmed Matri Speaking to Mediaset - We are going through a bad period and we know this, but we must not fall. And 'bad to hear that we do not work enough, so why not. Both in training and give everything in the game, but the results do not arrive at this time. Who said anything about a problem of head is right: I am convinced that once unlocked will go much better mentally. Now we must all remain united company, coach, staff and team, because only in this way we can get out of trouble. "

Now the Bianconeri are expected from the transfer of Cesena, already punished by a team of Matri goals even when he played in Rimini in Serie B: "I remember that network, because it was a derby Coming to ... Saturday's game, we should expect a fierce training. They are struggling for salvation and are a good time, so we must be attentive to their compactness. But the important thing is to focus on ourselves, rather than on opponents. "

Matri this season has already established its own record of scoring, with 14 centers, 11 with Cagliari and three with Juventus, but has no intention of stopping, "I want to continue on this path, because it is the 'only way to achieve the goals I have set. If the National is one of them? Well, the speech does not change: doing well with my team, the rest will follow. "

Krasic: "There's quality, we will come back to win,"

"We live in a situation certainly difficult, but with the right spirito tutti insieme possiamo uscirne perché abbiamo qualità». Milos Krasic è sulla stessa lunghezza d’onda dei compagni. In questi giorni un po’ tutti i bianconeri hanno espresso lo stesso concetto: “rimanere uniti per ritrovare i risultati”. Il serbo, intervistato da Sky Sport, non fa eccezione: «Tutti noi che lavoriamo qua, condividiamo la responsabilità del momento. Ogni club può attraversare queste situazioni, ma con il lavoro e l'allenamento se ne può uscire. Credo che le difficoltà capitino a ogni squadra, quando c'è un calo di forma. Sicuramente siamo gli unici responsabili di questo. Dobbiamo lavorare sulla testa tutti insieme per uscire da questa situazione e tornare a fare bene come early in the season. "

And earlier in the season Krasic had managed to drag the team through a series of formidable performance. The criticism has exalted, but now considers it a bit 'tired: "The truth is that I do not stop for more than a year, but I do not seek any excuse. While it is true that I am a bit 'tired, this should not justify my performance. "

Milos is often "abused" by the opposition defenders, but after Bologna, the referees do not always punish certain actions: "I had forgotten that episode, I understand that it is difficult for referees to see everything on the pitch, but as I said più volte, non voglio che di me venga data un'immagine negativa. Nella Juve ci sono molti calciatori che amano giocare il pallone, fare dribbling e non sempre l'arbitro può vedere tutto».

Ora i bianconeri sono attesi dalla gara contro il Cesena, una partita in cui è vietato sbagliare: «Sicuramente ci aspettiamo una sfida molto difficile visto che il Cesena ha vinto l'ultimo incontro, ma penso che la Juve abbia nel complesso una qualità superiore rispetto ai prossimi avversari, che comunque rispettiamo. Siamo consapevoli che se daremo il massimo, vinceremo la partita».

Marchisio ospite di “Protagonisti”: «Ci serve continuità»

Four and a half years. Both had the last time Claudio Marchisio Juventus went to play a game of Serie A at Cesena. It was 1990 (September 23, to be precise) and was 1-1 with goals from Roberto Baggio. Since then, however Manuzzi has hosted many times the Bianconeri, including Serie B, Italian Cup and a large number of friendly matches. Many challenges still characterized by great warmth of the many Juventus fans of Romagna.

Almost 21 years later, here is the new chapter. This time Marchisio will be in the field, ready to make its contribution to the cause, in a moment when victory is more important than ever. Two days from the appointment, Claudio ha parlato della gara a margine di “Protagonisti”, il programma di Juventus Channel di cui è stato ospite e la cui puntata andrà in onda questa sera.

«È un periodo non buono – confessa Marchisio – lo sappiamo tutti. In questo momento non dobbiamo guardare troppo indietro e troppo avanti, ma solo concentrarsi sul presente, quindi sulla partita di sabato a Cesena. Se giochiamo come sappiamo, allora vinciamo. Dobbiamo scendere in campo senza la paura di andare in svantaggio e non riuscire poi a recuperare».

Il punto toccato dal centrocampista è quello giusto. Se è vero che nelle ultime tre gare i bianconeri non sono riusciti find the reaction just after the handicap. "When the head is full of thoughts, it can happen that they lock the legs - is the analysis of Claudio -. How to get out? A victory could unlock them, after Cagliari seemed that we could, but then we fell back. We need continuity of results, just so we can share. This week the team works hard, concentration and wants to do. We need to do the same in the game, which unfortunately did not succeed in the last period. "

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debut 25 years ago as a professional

Saturday Cesena-Juve will be something more to Francesco Antonioli. The grandfather of the series A, 41 years old, has a special memory for the Bianconeri. 25 years ago the current scope of Cesena made his debut among the professionals. It was a cup race and his Monza Italy faced Juve. The team of Marquis prevailed with a 1-0 Briasco network. Since then Antonioli did everything and more, and going from Milan to Monza.

Francis, as recalled by Il Corriere dello Sport, he was 16 and a quarter of a century later is still leading in the fields of the Italian championship. That is to say, in that Juve was different Cabrini, Tacconi, Platinum, Serena, and he, a very good young goalkeeper was driving at all, as noted by Bonini, "parried all, I remember it well. Best wishes to him playing again." Same
Briasco to remember: "I am the little mind of that game. It 's been so long but just enough flash to ensure that it was soffertissima. He says the result, on the other hand: 1-0 with a goal my half of the first half. Luckily for before and after Antonioli locked the door. "

Sport Mediaset

Santon: "As we play Juve. Del Piero will make a difference"

Inter champion at Cesena newly promoted to Serie A. The fate of football Davide Santon has led the young defender to try to revive professional football in the province: "I had a good game at home to Catania, Naples then I thought to do better. I accepted all the choices of the coach, I I have always respected the decisions and tried to work to earn my place - Santon says about his first months in Romagna -. Here I found a very nice atmosphere, all helped me to insert and my football career has already passed by these areas so there I was confused. I was surprised by the desire that all my mates demonstrate every day in training, is an example that is always the first Antonioli to arrive and it's really a great professional. I want to continue to work to improve and keeping our feet on the ground. "Cesena The hunt for the salvation of important points on Saturday evening will host Juve, Santon this thought:" On Saturday we face a great team that we are facing a difficult time instead come from two wins, we want to continue our streak, to take the field Saturday to win as always. Among the players of Juve fear Krasic, Matri and then Del Piero can still make a difference - Santon says, adding the fight salvation -. I say we fight about salvation all it takes to save us, since I was in Cesena, I never thought it was wrong choice non ho mai avuto dubbi sono sempre stato contento, voglio che questa squadra si salvi perchè lo merita".