Friday, March 4, 2011

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Non è da tutti. L'indicibile fortuna di nascere donna

" To be born woman is an unspeakable fortune, says Luisa Muraro, 81, star of Italian feminism and thought of the difference. The mysterious "greatness" of the women wanted to dedicate his latest work, is not for everyone, which is a sort manifest-budget of decades of militancy, active philosophical research, readings and meetings with various inspired thinkers in the community of Diotima and the Library of Women ( Carocci). A fascinating story on 'excellence' women - once called the "superiority" - coming out in the brief span of time between the beautiful square "If not now, when?" and the next party on March 8. And that marks a break with the esoteric code beloved by his community. Pages crisp, colloquial, investigating the "secret" of women, a gift that emerges "from the ordinary things of life", not as flashy a career or social advancement, but an adventure which requires underground a unique and irreplaceable of intimacy with the human race. Privilege, which is manifested in daily life, "in the relationship with the house, with small creatures, with food, and - where c 'is love - with the man."
is the "superior ability of women feel", which the men received only in exceptional cases. "The woman and God have their own secret that Adam, pictured sleeping, will never be a leader," Muraro said using the words of an eminent theologian. This new book also affects the power of communication, which in some ways has never been published. "It's difficult to make clear the unthinkable, which requires a broader look and listen. I'm getting closer to us, but this is a personal parable. There was a Lonzi Carla who had the gift of language and writing, songwriter very sharp. I am glad to note that this effort of mine. "
It's not always the case. "Yes, I know. However, we're there yet. And our challenge remains. In Italy the thought of the difference is still alive, and not a result of little consequence. "
but does not believe that adopting an esoteric code was a mistake? "We made mistakes and certainly that of language is always a treacherous terrain. Are d 'Agreement: esotericism is a risk. We must work on thinking and writing. Although I was never absent in the habit of communicating. In my region, which is the Veneto as well the aristocrats mingled with the peasants. And I come from a family of microborghesia I always talked to everyone. But I admit it: I have written books difficult. " In
Not everyone is reiterated an old argument. 'Warns against the false feminist position to consider the female as the great male victim of a great injustice. This simplification is typical of rights policy that leads to overestimate what can be achieved in the name of right and underestimate people with their resources. The risk is to shrink what many women bring into play in relation to the world and with the opposite sex. " A motion
traditional aspires to equality and equal she opposes the theory of difference. But, in the emergency debate this distinction makes sense? There is no risk to divide before the need to put a stop to the common regression of women? "I do not agree with the premise. It is the image of the woman who is regressing, not women in reality. It is one of the divisions produced by the present time. It suffers from politics, show business and become the market of low-alloy. Suffer the arts. Suffers philosophy. C 'is a huge advancement of women, but to trace the signs we use different criteria than those of emancipation. "
What? "Do you think personal autonomy, the ability of women to move by themselves for their projects. Think not dependent on men than their fates: how many women now give birth by themselves? More generally, now women can have a double yes to self-fulfillment and the desire for motherhood. My generation did not have this freedom. When I was a child I felt torn. Now young women have many problems, but they are not torn. "
This is no doubt, however, results in high prices. "A condition very tiring yes, but also beautiful. In our civilization that is not referred to the intensity of things to do, speed of movement, the multiplicity of inspiration is not a sign of unhappiness, but of wealth. I agree that there should be new solutions. It can not last like that. Women are required extreme tension, but it is also admirable. I have heard men of culture and industry praise their bravery. " Sometimes
admire but not take them, because they are children and therefore are a burden for the company. "They need to stop them and their interests." So why argue against the rights of feminism? "The equality is an inalienable right, but then c 'is a game higher, and there must jump. The need for rights is endless if I give up on the free creation of me. This claim, si piange, si scivola nel vittimismo, senza mai trovare soddisfazione».
Lei pensa davvero che in Italia la condizione femminile goda di buona salute? «Non voglio essere fraintesa. Certo che siamo ai limiti e molte promesse - emerse negli anni del femminismo - non sono state mantenute. Ma la stessa manifestazione del 13 febbraio ha dimostrato che esiste una società femminile che non è affatto acquiescente con la volgarità maschile nella vita sessuale». Ma lei non si era pronunciata contro la manifestazione? «No, mai. Io ero intervenuta contro l' appello, che era scritto in un modo sbagliato. Prevaleva un tono offensivo verso le donne che si prostituiscono, e questo era contrario allo spirito del femminismo. Ma non volevo certo negare lo straordinario slancio di quell'appuntamento».
È nata una nuova pagina del movimento delle donne? «È stata la dimostrazione di una vitalità che in molti non avevano saputo vedere. Le donne hanno dimostrato con disinvoltura e allegria di non essere complici di un modello maschile esemplificato dal capo del governo. Che l'opera sia completata, certo non si può dire. Ci vorrà un'altra ondata di femminismo, oppure finalmente andremo incontro a una risposta più intelligente da parte degli uomini».
Ha mai pensato di nascere maschio? «No. Da adolescente, calzando un paio di braghe di mio fratello, mi sono risarcita di certi torti che mi faceva la femminilità. Capeggiavo la banda dei fratelli mediani - sono sixth of eleven children - and I was going to pull the sling. Then I had a special relationship with the men's hats: a bad mood when I wear this. So the family were warned that day bite. "(From Simon Flowers, for all Feminism," La Repubblica ", 04/03 / '11)


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