Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Discoid Lupus And Pregnancy

(Women in the pipeline)-RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Troglodytes

! GUH! the developer

Guh, in its normal existence, of all days, is a young boy
ruddy, with a lot of sound principles, that has always cultivated the dream of every self-respecting man Veneto: HOUSE BUILDING WITH HIS HANDS!

Already this è una buona base per la sua retrocessione da “omo erectus” a GUH, ma la trasformazione definitiva avviene nel momento in cui gli balena, sul lato destro dell’encefalo, l’idea malsana di impiantar cantiere...
E qui si scatena la SINDROME, quella lo porterà alla retrocessione nello sviluppo della specie umana, fino a farlo diventare della stessa categoria dei troglo UGA!.

Trattandosi di esseri della stessa specie quindi, GUH instaura con i tre UGA un rapporto di fratellanza e di piena fiducia, nonché sudditanza (subendo appieno i mantra recitati da UGA3_vedi post precedente).

Il Direttore dei Lavori a questo punto, ignaro by relegation to reach the level of GUH, still tries to save him from his fate by "Troglo circuits," to enlighten him on cercardo constructive choices and strategies, only getting a look in astonishment, and an inscription in large letters that the winds on front that reads:
"Yes of course .. but .. I think so FOR as you poor thing does not understand anything!"

So, dear friends, if you are a YOUNG WOMAN DL, mettetevela away, and save the following


Rule 1: NEVER EVER give confidence to Troglo!
If not, you know that fully forget who you are and what they represent ...

Rule 2: abandoned any desire to understand!
I know, as women, the protective mother instinct is difficult to control ...
Woe to you!
Troglo I often cite various reasons to justify failures to sentimental or initiatives do not agree: ricadreste directly in the rule # 1!

Rule 3: Always be unpleasant and even a little acid!
is important to give orders with snooty ... even if it is not suited to your person!
Unfortunately, a woman in the pipeline to be heard must wear the mask of "hyena in full hysterics" of course, is the only animal that can scare a Troglo!

And finally, the last advice I can give for now is:

rideteci always on!!
(but always protect yourself !!... you're still the director of business ... and handcuffs are not exactly a nice fashion accessory ....)


Buona serata dell’8 marzo!!


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