Friday, March 4, 2011

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Donne del Risorgimento. Le eroine invisibili dell'unità d'Italia

"Quando si parla del Risorgimento italiano vengono in mente in prevalenza figure maschili come Garibaldi, Mazzini, Cavour, i grandi protagonisti del periodo. Ma quale è stato il ruolo delle donne? Nei libri di storia dell'Ottocento, scritti da uomini, non c'è quasi traccia di loro. E' comprensibile. Le donne allora non avevano diritto di voto, erano assenti dalla scena policy, there were only as mothers and wives. If rich and educated could speak in the salons, the only place for social gatherings where dominate, choosing guests and topics of conversation.
But in 150 years of Italian history are many women of all walks of life who have contributed to our country and our national identity. The insert of the Sole 24 Ore on Sunday March 6 will dedicate ample space to the protagonists of our history interviews with Ross Rossanda, Miram Mafai, Fiorella Kostoris, Sister Giuliana Galli, Carmen Consoli, Isabella Ferrari, Anna Maria Artoni.

The history written by women
The history of the Renaissance is full of women going often beyond the stereotypes of their time. Women Garibaldi, Mazzini, monarchical, republican. Women of the North, Central, South and even some foreign newspapers, such as Margaret Fuller and Jessie White Mario: in an ideal brotherhood which transcends barriers and boundaries of social planning. He tells for the first time in a comprehensive manner Bruno Bertolo, journalist and writer in Piedmont, author of the dense volume of 430 pages Women of the Risorgimento. The invisible heroes of Italian unification published by the publishing house Ananke . The result of four years of research between historical documents, newspapers of the time, letters, diaries, the book of Bertolo officially opened the celebrations Province of Turin for the 150th anniversary of the unit and was presented Friday, March 4 at the Casa del Conte Verde in the town of Rivoli (Torino).
A volume that, little more than a month after its release, has generated considerable interest (it is already being reprinted) as enacts the world of women who in various ways, contributed to the long process unit. There are only Anita Garibaldi, the legendary wife of the hero of the Two Worlds, or the Princess Cristina Belgiojoso 200 Neapolitan patriots who led the barricades of the Five Days of Milan and we've seen the beautiful film dedicated to the Risorgimento Martone We believed or chat Countess of Castiglione, a beautiful and intriguing Mata Hari anti litteram, a lover of Napoleon. The author offers a spotlight on the protagonists almost invisible, absent from the pages of official history, and approaches them with a particular look of tenderness. "(From Antonia Bordignon, Not only Garibaldi, Mazzini and Cavour.'s Women, heroines Invisible Risorgimento, Il Sole 24 Ore ", 04/03 / '11)


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