Friday, March 11, 2011

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Ficcadenti "Juve, despite great team the difficulty

"Juventus is a difficult time but it is a great team, we need to be aggressive to make up for the technical difference." Massimo Ficcadenti has so Juventus, his next opponent Cesena, at a press conference held at the race Saturday night vigilai

"We are fine - still the coach of Romagna, as reported by the official website - \u200b\u200bIn the last two games we have won two major victories and we are in the fight salvation. There will be convened Dal Bello, Sammarco and Budan because they are not yet at its best. This week we worked well, it is clear that we face a team that despite being in need is strong. "

"If we want to score points with Juve - Ficcandenti concludes - we know that we play to the limit of our ability, so we just hope. Saturday around the stadium is full, this is positive and it's always nice to everyone. "

I called the Cesena

As reported by the official website of Cesena, Massimo Ficcadenti has invited 19 players for the race on Saturday night against Juventus. This
the full list:

GOALKEEPERS: 1 Antonioli 33 Calderoni

DEFENDERS: 3 Pellegrino Lauro 6 15 25 Benalouane Von Bergen Dellafiore 29 46 77 Ceccarelli

Santon Midfielders: 4 8 Appiah Caserta Colucci 14 18 44 Parolo Piangerelli

Forwards: 10 Jimenez 17 Malonga Giaccherini 23 70 84 Bogdani Rosina

The Cesena has a structure almost unchangeable, with 10 players who have collected at least three quarters of admissions. The veteran is Francesco Antonioli, only to have competed in all 28 meetings proposed by the league. Behind him are the defender Von Bergen, midfielders and striker Bogdani Giaccherini and Parolo, all at an altitude of 27. The

Cesena has so far been expelled 4: Pellegrino, Von Bergen, Giaccherini and Colucci, leader of the yellow cards with 10 amminizioni.

striker Erjon Bogdani the team with 6 centers, followed by Jimenez 5, Giaccherini with 4, word 3, and Ceccarelli, Colucci, Rosina and Sammarco 1.


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