Friday, March 11, 2011

Long Dong John Silver

Lettera a una professoressa

"There are books (Pinocchio, Artusi, The Betrothed, Heart, The small mountain ...) that have made Italy. Others remain silent on the shelves, though not honored entering the country's cultural heritage : are the books that have made Italy (The Five Wounds of Holy Church of Rosmini, never implemented either by the institutional Church or the wider circle of believers Italian, or The Saint, Fogazzaro: great success here and abroad listed in the Index; ol'Antistoria of Italy's Trieste Cusin, intelligent critic of anthropology Italic, which the thugs of the league could also read with profit).
Other books, however, are hailed from the very first appearance, almost become the synecdoche for an entire lap of years, but remain largely misunderstood. For example, the writings of Basaglia, which was later blamed to be dead half the battle, while the structure reinterpreted in a way its never said "all free." But even the famous
Letter to a professor collective work of Don Milani and his students Barbiana , published in May 1967 (Don Milani died a month later), a few years after the reform of the unified school and compulsory up to age 14 (1963). That text was a flag of the student revolt of '68, so now deprecated, and inspired, in 1969, a performance activist Dario For The worker knows 300 words, the master 1000. For this he is the master . And then of course it refers to the infinite antipedagogiche teaching experience and publishing titles and dozens of universities and controcorsi employed, not always relevant with references to Illich and Freire, and with greater justification, pedagogy Mario Lodi, the great master of Piadena, that in those years was in Lower Lombardy a path similar to that of Don Milani Tuscan Apennines. Starring
emblematic of the book are John, the son of poor peasants regularly dismissed from school, and Peter, the boy bourgeois which paves the way for being rich, not so much and not just about money, especially because of what that money could give Italy in the Sixties: language, books, culture. The dichotomy is demagogic only in the first instance: a series of statistical tables compiled by the authors demonstrates how relentlessly the school then
was really a relief valve of social exclusion and working in one direction only.
The fact is that Don Milani, a Catholic priest of the family converted from Judaism, had chosen the only possible place for a Christian believer, the place occupied by the poor, to "those who do not possess" (Ranchetti).
Hence the apodictic simplicity of his words, no assumptions and dogmatic theology, born of a seemingly naive faith because without equipment exegetical reference.
Hence, also, the taste for writing collective, anti-individualistic, page built together with the boys, in the Middle Ages as an anonymous crowd but together build a cathedral. And the pages Letter to a professor are very well written, in prose that is spare, clear and clean, with words and phrases that you draw as well jump of stones thrown on still waters. But the choice of field of the poor comes the hard school of Barbiana. Very much permissiveness sessantottino!
All day, all days, Sundays included, because "the school will always be better than the shit" says a boy who washed up every day of the 36 cows of the master. Nothing
recreation. Instead of vacations, business trips and study abroad. Rigor and severity, not understanding the "needs of young people," luxury that only the privileged can afford. And since this is the school metalworkers' contract or the Second World War rather than the mythology or the snow flake flakes flakes ("When the school is small, the program made looking only to the urgent needs"). The basic culture must be alive and serve for life. Useless to the "Guardians of the wick off."
Then, over the years and the bureaucracy, the battle against failures to teach each and everyone to give strength and confidence in themselves because no one will feel a difference in society, we have moved to 6 political commitment and long-continued , which included even the praise of celibacy, we moved to a full-time often filled with emptiness.
That does not excuse the excesses of Mrs. Gelmini, who is certainly not inspired by the rigor of "cattocomunista" Don Milani (the worst of the worst!). And today, nell'americanizzazione forced and ahistorical, passed off as "modernization", the difference between Peter and John became institutionalized, not even most school of rich and poor, but the school (good, private or foreign) of the rich and the school (poor, state) of the poor. In a grim parody of Barbiana, the rejection of a sterile culture has become outright rejection of the culture: as the young shoots of the Po Valley, it is better to work and make money rather than spend time at school. And so the wealth it produces ignorance, or rather ignorance, which is worse. As Ticino Francis Church wrote, "Ignorance is a virgin land, often rich and deep. [...] This is the solid impenetrable incoltura sterility of the medium blade of pay to feed some grass. "" (By Gianandrea Piccioli, A Barbiana have risen the past, "Tuttolibri" "La Stampa", 12/03 / '11)


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