Friday, March 11, 2011

Looking For Hawaiian Phrases


Almost done for the outside of Lyon

Juventus play in advance and try to put the muzzle on the market rushing Michel Fernandes Bastos for the times. Beppe Marotta was in fact already opened an important contact with Emmanuel de Kercohve agent from outside Brazil, and it would be a step in the agreement with the player. With the Lyons, owner of the card Bastos, the cartel is already there for some time. The Brazilian should therefore be the first reinforcement white.

In practice, it lacks that some details - length of contract and engagement - but the arrival there would be a few feet. Bastos would fill the gap of the Lady on the left wing and is undoubtedly an important purchase. The Brazilian has been and is in fact long been targeted by top European clubs, not unreasonably, consider him one of the best fullbacks in circulation. Lyon, therefore, has long been resigned to an assignment made prior to breathe in the corporate coffers.

If Bastos should arrive, Gigi Buffon is expected to remain. This, at least, is what continues to support both the player and his agent. The question, however, is far from resolved because the Juventus goalkeeper not yet clear ideas and evaluate, even in the next market session, any offers from abroad. Gigi, as noted, in England still like a lot. Besides Buffon, the Juventus will have to work - and many more - on the purchase. Aquilani to, for example, pare complicato dato che il Liverpool non ha alcuna intenzione di abbassare le pretese e tiene alto il prezzo del cartellino del centrocampista.

Sport Mediaset

Spalletti: "Resto, niente Juve"

"Resto qui, non vado alla Juve". Poche, ma chiare parole quelle pronunciate da Luciano Spalletti dopo il ko subito in Europa League contro il Twente. Così il tecnico italiano, come si legge su La Gazzetta dello Sport, ha dichiarato in conferenza stampa per rassicurare i dirigenti russi preoccupati da un suo eventuale addio per far ritorno in Italia.

Juve, Ribery in bianconero if Bayern does not go in the Champions League?

In recent weeks the word was more turn to the next market has been one of Juve: quality. That quality should be represented, in the intentions of the President and the Agnelli dg Marotta, from the assignment of at least three samples that can raise the technical rate of the team, and take it, if possible, the level of that of AC Milan and Inter, which At the moment, seem light years away from the club. One of the three samples that may arrive in Turin is Frank Ribery, Bayern's offensive outside Monaco and the French National Assembly. The 27-year-old champion Juventus trans like to at least a couple of seasons, ma adesso il club tedesco potrebbe cederlo in caso di mancata qualificazione alla prossima edizione della Champions League. Ribery è valutato attorno ai 35 milioni di euro, cifra molto alta, ma non è da escludere che la Juve possa provare a piazzare il colpo per avere in rosa un campione dal sicuro rendimento. Un ostacolo alla trattativa, oltre alle richieste economiche del Bayern, è costituito anche dalle molte squadre interessate al giocatore: Inter, Chelsea, Manchester United e Real Madrid, lo accoglierebbero a braccia aperte.

Stampa inglese: il Manchester United ha pronta l'offerta per Buffon

Gigi Buffon, portierone della Juve and national, could leave Turin at the end of the season to move to England, specifically Manchester United. These, at least, the rumors are coming from the press' s oltermanica. According to ", Alex Ferguson, manager of English club, it would prompt an offer of about 17 million pounds, equal to € 20 million to convince Juventus to sell Buffon, goal number one of the" Red Devils "after Edwin Van der Saar has rejected the proposal to keep playing one more season, confirming his retirement from racing at the end of the championship. Alternatives to Buffon are Julio Cesar, Inter goalkeeper, German Neuer and Pepe Reina English.

Giovinco to Naples in exchange for the redemption of Quagliarella

rumors in the last few hours they would like the playmaker Sebastian Giovinco of Juventus, with Pama on loan to the right of redemption of half of the card in favor of the ducal in the sights of Naples, they would come up with an idea to leaders Juventus to save precious euro for the next market. Marotta, as is known, will be busy in June in many market transactions relating to the redemption of the players arrived on loan this summer, as Aquilani, Pepe, Quagliarella Matri, and Giovinco might just be the key to getting a big discount the figure Juve will pay to redeem the attacker to Naples in Campania, which had done very well in the first half of the season, before seriously injured in the match against Parma last January 6. The only obstacle to the success of this negotiation is the Parma, that should remain in Serie A, would have every intention to exercise his right of redemption against Giovinco, thus complicating the marketing strategies of Juve.

Juve, Fiorentina for Martinez is

could end after just one season's experience Jorge Martinez in black and white. The Uruguayan player, this year Juventus from Catania, deeply disappointed over this season, partly because of many physical setbacks that prevented him from finding a good run of form, and could end up on the market. According to the portal 4 - 4 -, the "Malaka" would come under fire for Fiorentina, which would draw from the Bianconeri at the express request of coach Sinisa Mihaijlovic viola, who has already coached the player in Catania, and he has for large estimation . That Florence could become the ideal marketplace for Martinez for the revival? We'll find out in the coming months, when the transfers come in earnest.

Juve, Storari way here all the conditions

Marco Storari away from Juventus. The goalkeeper, the former AC Milan and Fiorentina, will leave Vinovo to find a new arrangement during the summer. Storari no longer willing to accept the bench, but the real issue is who receives the assignment in black and white: 1.4 million euro net per season. Only AC Milan and Inter could afford such a figure, although it is difficult to think of it, and then also open a foreign track, where it has been in Spain and did very well, but also Germany and England.



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